Ch. 15

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Remus had fallen to his knees before he could even register the sudden pain in his stomach. Remus groaned lowly, regretting rising up in his state.

"Remus?" Roman called, stepping out of the bathroom. "What--are you alright?! You look pale--well, paler than usual! What the actual hell is that puddle that's soiling my floor!" Roman rushed over and kneeled in front of Remus.

"I threw up." Remus moaned in pain. In different circumstances, he would've made a joke about him moaning with puke on the floor. He probably would've cooked up the plot for a porno that featured this moment.

"Are you sick?! We should stop!" Roman frowned, placing a hand to Remus' forehead. Remus shook his head fiercely in defiance.

"We can't--I don't want you to feel shitty--grrk--again." Remus stomach flared up, and he was beginning to think that something was seriously wrong with him. "'Mfine. My body doesn't like trying to play the good guy, Ro-Ro. It's trying to turn me inside out!" Remus giggled.

"This is no laughing matter!" Roman declared, eyebrows furrowed. "Remus this is serious! If this is going to happen everytime you try to act like me--"

"No no no! I just need a little longer! And plus, it only happens when I try to give advice to Thomas!"


"Ah, well, you see--"


"It's fine! Look, Ro, I gotta go finish my breakfast so if you don't mind--"

"What--But--Remus--your stomach--"

"Pain faded," It was the truth, his stomach fit had dissipated.

"But--what about my carpet--"

"Cool, loathe you, bye!" Remus called over his shoulder as he promptly exited the room.

He was almost immediately dragged away by Logan. "What the--where are we going?"

"My room, I'm going to give you a check up."

"Why?" Remus asked. Logan gave him an unimpressed look.

"Are you braindead?" Logan asked. "Nevermind, I know the answer to that."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I could go on all day about that, but I'm already aggravated and would not like to spend more time with you than necessary." Logan huffed.

"Wow, you're just a ball of sunshine."

"If I was, you'd be dead right now." Logan mumbled, opening the door to his room.

"I wish I was dead right now."

"Okay, sit down." Logan said, conjuring a clipboard.

"On your bed?" Remus asked.

"No," Logan snapped and suddenly a medical bed was in the center of his room. "There. I would rather have you on that instead of my bed."

"Why?" Remus asked, sitting on the medical bed.

"You have a tendency to leave the scent of roses on the fabric you touch, and I don't want to fall asleep thinking of you and have you ruin my dreams."

"I love you too, Logan."

"Now, how do you feel?"

"Right now? I feel fine. Fresh as daisies and all that jazz." Remus shrugged. "Kinda hungry though. Can we go eat breakfast now?"

"No," Logan replied sharply.

"Jeez, harsh."

"Lie down." Logan said monotonously.

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