Ch. 21

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Remus woke up the next day to an overwhelming sense of dread. He didn't know how, but he knew something bad was going to happen today.

Remy had left shortly after Logan did, claiming that Thomas would need him soon. Roman and Remus stayed up for a bit after that, but ended up falling asleep.

Remus looked to his left, spotting Roman still sleeping peacefully. He wondered how Roman's hair was still perfect, while Remus' had been ruined before his head even hit the pillow.

Remy snorted. He kinda resembled a Disney princess more than a prince when he was sleeping. He, of course, wouldn't dare to say that to Roman's face. Until he can say it in front of everyone, of course.

Remus sighed. He wondered when that would be. The sense of dread returned, and he got the feeling that it would be very soon.

He hoped he hadn't cause Deceit too much trouble in his absence. He had seen how hard Deceit had been taking it, it made Remus more guilty than ever.

Well, there was one time where Remus felt guiltier. It was the day Virgil left. Well, more precisely the night after Virgil left.

Of course he felt bad about Virgil leaving, he felt it was his fault. But the guilt truly set in when he found Deceit crying in the common room.

He shook his head. It really wasn't the time to be thinking about that. It was ancient history anyways, Remus was over it.

He took a deep breath, before climbing out of bed. With a snap, his hair was once again fixed into Roman's hairstyle.

After pulling the blanket a little more over his brother, Remus set off to face the day.


Virgil watched 'Roman' bounce down the stairs.

Roman had always been an upbeat character. At first Virgil found it annoying, but now Virgil found it really cute. Roman was like the light to his dark, the sun to his moon.

Of course, he had never shared these thoughts with anyone. Not even Patton.

'Roman' caught Virgil staring and shot him a flirtatious wink. "Hey there, my little stormcloud." 'Roman' purred, plopping down on the couch next to Virgil.

"I am not yours, Princey." Virgil snapped, bright red adorning his face. "I'm way out of your league."

"Fair enough." 'Roman' shrugged.

"That was a joke. You weren't supposed to agree." Virgil rolled his eyes. 'Roman' chuckled.

'Roman' had become more flirtatious for the past few days, and Virgil was enjoying more than he should. This whole time, Virgil thought that Roman didn't return his feelings. Lately, he was beginning to get a small sense of hope.

Virgil loved Roman, he had accepted that fact long ago. Roman was so brave, so strong. He was everything Virgil wanted to be. At first, Virgil hid his admiration for the prince with snarky comments and casual insults, but when admiration shifted into something more...he wasn't sure how to act.

Roman smelled like roses, Virgil's favorite flower. Well, it became his favorite flower after he discovered Roman's scent. Was that creepy? Probably.

"Penny for your thoughts?" 'Roman' asked, a small smile on his face. Virgil flushed lightly and looked away.

"None of your business, Princey." Virgil grumbled, crossing his arms.

Virgil had noticed that 'Roman' had begun to smell like lavender instead of roses. It wasn't unpleasant, but Virgil preferred roses.

Maybe Roman switched up his shampoo or something?

"Hey, Ro," Virgil began, deciding to ask him. "You usually smell like roses, but lately you smell like lavender. Why is that?"

A surge of anxiety coming from the prince caught Virgil of guard. When he snapped his eyes to 'Roman', the prince still looked as relaxed as could be.

"You've been smelling me, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance?" He asked with a chuckle. Virgil turned crimson.

"N-No!" He stammered, realizing how weird the question he asked was. "I-I just noticed it when you sat down. That's all!" Liar.

"Oh, I see." 'Roman' nodded, his nervousness picking up despite how calm he appeared. Virgil furrowed his brow slightly, why was he so nervous?

"Virge! Ro! Can one of you get Logan? It's time for breakfast!" Patton called from the kitchen.

"I'll do it!" 'Roman' replied, and Virgil could sense his nervousness depleting. "Don't be too lonely without me, Panic! At The Everywhere." Roman gave Virgil a wink, standing up.

Virgil scoffed, despite the heat he felt on his face. "As if."

Virgil got up and walked into the kitchen. Patton was sat at the table, smirking at him. "What?" Virgil asked.

"So, you and Ro, huh?" Patton asked with a giggle. Virgil blushed and averted his eyes.

"W-We're just friends." Virgil mumbled. Virgil had felt incredibly awkward around Patton ever since he overheard the conversation in the hallway.

"Do you plan to confess first, or are you waiting on Ro to make the first move?" Patton asked. Virgil spluttered.

"I-I dunno. I doubt either is going to happen." Virgil mumbled, fiddling with his hands. Patton shook his head.

"Don't sell yourself short, Virge! I'm rooting for you! If Roman doesn't like you, I'll physically fight him!" Patton exclaimed, a determined expression on his face.

"Who are we fighting?" 'Roman' asked, walking into the room with Logan behind him.

"You!" Patton exclaimed.


"What's on the menu today, Patton?" Logan asked, pushing ahead of Roman and sitting at the table.

"Pancakes! Your favorite, Virge!" Patton stood up and bounced over to Virgil. "I gave you two and a half! I noticed you couldn't finish three last time, but two just wasn't enough for a growing boy like you!" Patton ruffled Virgil's hair, much to the latter's displeasure.

"Thanks, Patton. You're sweet as syrup." Virgil gave Patton a smile, though he was still weary. Could he really trust Patton? He saw how his personality did a 180 in a second.

"Well, what are we waiting for! Let's dig in!" Roman exclaimed.


The next chapter will begin the turning point for this book.

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