Nearing The Climax

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Baraqiel, the 20th watcher of the 200 angels that fell from heaven. He was called the Lightning of God, a fitting name for one who was said to have taught men astrology, one of Lucifer's most prized researchers. However, with the fall, he became not a teacher, but a deciever. A powerful trickster with a power over the very stars and planets, his shape shifting is the least thing one should worry about, as he revels in causing bloodshed and mayhem. They say that he thrives on the pleasure of tormenting humans, especially young girls... Of all the Fallen Angels I have read of in Nichts's library, none have disgusted me more, or left more fear in my heart then Baraqiel.

- Fulguras Adtonitus (Mikoto) to Amor Caritas during a trip to the Nebulosos Library.

Aiko stared down at the unconscious Ichigo as he lay within his coma on the hospital bed, worried. She put a hand to Ichigo's forehead and sent a small ultrasonic wave through him, allowing her to 'see' the inner workings of Ichigo's body. But she could find not anything wrong, not a single thing. It was as if he were just taking a nap..

"This is wrong.." Aiko muttered. "Really, really wrong. What happened with you Ichigo?"

"Any luck?" Eolas had come into the hospital room.

"No... none at all..can't seem to find anything wrong." said Aiko. "Just like before. And I can't seem to find your imposter."

"Well that make's sense." said Eolas. "I mean, he or she could be practically anyone.. I mean, is there any real way to tell who it is? Whoever it is could be pretending to be Misaki, Elfman, Mira.. anybody.. no, maybe not Mira.."

"Hmm?" said Aiko. "Why not Mira?"

"She's too harmless.. a dangerous shapeshifter wouldn't change into somebody that's more of a pacifist then itself, then it would find it much too hard to keep it's own cover, it's easier to change into something that's got as much of a subtle similarity as possible to easier keep it's cover."

Aiko snorted, then she started laughing.

"Wh-what's so funny!?"

"As much as I agree with your thoughts on how the shape shifter would think in regards to choosing it's appearance." said Aiko. "You calling the Demon Mirajane harmless is just quite hilarious.."

"Demon Mirajane!?" said Eolas. "E-er, am I missing something here?"

"Have you ever actually seen Mirajane fight?" said Aiko with a raised eyebrow.

"Ummm.. no.. I always figured she was sort of like the guild's motherly figure...not really a fighter or anything.."

"She just so happens one of Fairy Tail's most famous S-Class mages, also known as the Demon." said Aiko. "She, Mikoto, and Erza are known as Fairy Tail's 3 toughest female fighters...though it's probably good that you've never seen Mira when she get's real's quite a sight.."

"I don't scare easily.."

"I'm scared of her.."

"Oookay.. maybe I would be scared of her.." said Eolas, remembering it took quite alot to scare Aiko.

"In any case.. there's a possibility that the shapeshifter might be involved with Ichigo's situation.." said Aiko, right before she stopped talking.. her eyes wide with horror.

"What is it?" said Eolas seriously.

"Back when Rukia said she met Ichigo alone in the locker rooms.. the information.. it was much to meager to just request a meeting with Ichigo, there would have had to be more... or.." said Aiko. "Or she gave him much more information then she shared with the rest of us...much more... and she knew Ichigo wouldn't be able to share it..."

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, The Soul Slayer Chronicles: Book 4, GodsWhere stories live. Discover now