Preference: Prompt 18 | Connor and Travis Stoll

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Prompt #18
Requested by @sarsssssss

Summary: He questions how he got so lucky.

QOTP: Magnus or Percy?

Word Count: 804

Connor -
Travis recently left camp, and Connor isn't taking it so well.

They're each other's best friend, even if they are brothers. But Connor, of course, still has you — his girlfriend — and Travis told you to look after him before he left. You're pretty sure he was partly joking, but you are anyway.

Connor's been so depressed lately that you have to do something, and the only thing you know to do is be there for him.

He usually comes out of the Hermes cabin only when necessary — for meals and scheduled camp activities — but, otherwise, that's where he stays. So, you knock on the door.

Another camper answers, but they recognize you and call for Connor, who drags himself out of bed. He brightens a little when he sees you. "Hey, Y/N."

"Hey," you say, cutting right to the chase. "Come on; we're going out."

"Where?" he asks, brows furrowing.

"Anywhere. But I'm not letting you stay cooped up in here until dinner."

He's about to say no when he realizes that he hasn't spent much time with you lately. He sighs. "Alright, let's go."

You smile as you take his hand and half-pull him out of the cabin, afraid he'll change his mind. He just laughs. "Where are we going?"

You think for a moment, then change direction. "The forest."

"Fine by me," Connor shrugs, just letting himself be pulled along.

You reach the forest and weave between the trees, going deeper into it. You end up somewhere between Zeus' Fist and Bunker 9 before you finally stop, looking up at a tree. "This looks like a good climbing tree," you declare.

Connor laughs a little, raising a brow at you; he expected something more along the lines of an actual date, Zeus' Fist immediately coming to his mind. However, you obviously have other plans. "You want to climb a tree?"

"Just call me Evan Hansen," you reply, reaching up and grabbing a branch.

Connor, having more experience with this sort of thing, gets behind you to make sure you don't fall. "I'd rather you not break your arm today."

You find a foothold and begin moving up. "Jesse Tuck, then," you reply. Then, you begin singing Top of the World to yourself.

Connor joins in as you both climb the tree, you stopping about three quarters of the way up when you find a sturdy branch. You sit on it, and Connor follows suit as you dramatically finish singing the song.

"See, isn't this great?" you say, looking through the leaves. "Look at this view."

Connor looks at you instead. "Yeah... it's pretty great."

You begin singing another song about climbing a tree — there's shockingly quite a few of them — and Connor laughs quietly. It's the most he's laughed in a while.

And as he listens to you sing, he quietly asks himself, "How did I get so lucky?"

(there's Top of the World)

Travis -
He got the idea when he realized there wasn't much to do by way of a date around camp.

Your first one was a picnic on top of Zeus' fist, which Travis still congratulates himself for, and all the subsequent ones were the rest of Travis' ideas — watching the fireworks, a walk through the strawberry fields, even sparring once.

But, then, it occurred to him that are plenty of places to go on a date outside of camp. And, despite the harpies and all the trouble you could get in, you thought it was a great idea, too.

So, an hour or so after everyone else goes to bed, you quietly get dressed and meet Travis to venture out and find some place that's crazy enough to be open at this hour.

After a bit of searching, you find a twenty four hour diner and head inside. You sit away from everyone, which is easy to do considering there's only a few other patrons inside. A waitress takes your drink order almost immediately.

When she's gone, you look at Travis, realizing this may not have been the best idea. "I hope you have a plan to get us back in."

He waves his hand, dismissing the thought. "Don't worry about it. I mean, look who you're talking to."

"A hopeless romantic?" you joke.

He smiles, taking your hands across the table. "And here I thought my hope was sitting right in front of me."

You playfully roll your eyes. "You are so cheesy, Travis."

"Well, I certainly thought my flirtations were Gouda 'nough."

"That was awful!" you say, laughing.

He just smiles at you, holding your hands and listening to your laughter. And under his breath, he asks, "How did I get so lucky?"

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