Preference (Gif): Songs (Part 1) | Harry Potter

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Verse: "The man of God came up and told the king of Israel, "This is what the Lord says: 'Because the Arameans think the Lord is a god of the hills and not a god of the valleys, I will deliver this vast army into your hands, and you will know that I am the Lord.' "" 1 Kings‬ ‭20‬:‭28‬ ‭

Encouragement: God is with us, no matter what's going on or where we are. He's with us when we're struggling and when we're doing well. He never leaves us, even when we think He has.

Requested by @xStef_26 and JulzLovDraco4Eva

I've gotten into a lot of new music over the past many, many months, and I decided why not use some of it for a preference. So, here's some of my favorite tunes right now. And also Harry Potter stories.

Summary: A story between you and one of the Harry Potter boys connected to a song.

QOTP: What do you think your favorite Harry Potter character's favorite song is?

Word Count: 7261

Draco - Beautiful Child - Fleetwood Mac

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Beautiful child. Beautiful child. You are a beautiful child. And I am a fool once more.

What attracted her to Draco, she couldn't quite say. It wasn't something specific, it was a number of things. She saw him everywhere — everybody did. He was the Slytherin Prince, according to some, and usually in a facetious way. People didn't like him, thought he was mean, nasty, but Y/N possessed what some considered the childlike ability to know a person's true nature on instinct. And Draco was better than others thought. Misguided, stuck in a bad situation, but better.

They had some classes together, and she was always aware of him, where he was. Could hear his laugh from the back of the room. But she doubted that he knew she was alive, and she knew even if he did, he would never be with her. She was a half-blood, and things were so complicated in his pureblood world, with his parents and what they believed.

Sleepless child, there is so little time. Your eyes say yes, but you don't say yes. Well, I wish that you were mine. I wish that you were mine.

She was a little ashamed to say she'd cried over it before, the hopelessness of it all, the frustration of being that sad about it in the first place. But she couldn't change how she felt. It wasn't as if she could just never see him again. And when the "infatuation" sustained itself over summer break and winter break, year after year, she realized it was probably more than what she previously kidded herself into believing.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now