I Thought I Was Going to Lose You | Luke Alvez

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Prompts #9, #36, #38
Requested by @-mcmahon

Summary: Luke Alvez has trouble letting SSA Y/N Y/L/N do her job after an incident in which she was shot by an unsub.

QOTP: [series finale spoiler] What do you think happened on Luke and Garcia's date?

Word Count: 1704

After Derek left the BAU, Luke Alvez joined it, and Y/N, despite the fact that he took the place of her old partner, wasn't all that mad about it.

Luke was nice, a bit charming, had a sense of humor, and, the thing that was immediately obvious: attractive. The fact that he had a cute dog made it all ten times better.

The only problem was, Y/N thought he would just see her as a friend and therefore not like her back, which was just make things awkward between and ruin the friendship they'd formed. She would rather just have him as a friend than not at all, so she said nothing.

They were still just really good friends a year into his joining the BAU, when the incident happened. Y/N and Luke were confronting an unsub, and they got separated. The unsub went for Y/N, and she tried to get him to surrender, but no dice.

He shot her in the side, just before she shot him in the chest in self defense. Lucky for her, Luke heard the gunshots and came running.

His heart dropped into his stomach when he saw her lying there, bleeding, clearly in pain. He ran to her immediately, shouting for a medic over the comms, but she waved him off. "Go make sure he's dead first." It was standard procedure, really.

He was, and as soon as Luke had confirmed that, he went to Y/N, this woman he had come to love, even if he wouldn't admit it to himself until she was bleeding out behind some run down barn a serial killer decided to use as his secondary location.

The rest of the team came, the medics came, and Luke insisted on going with Y/N in the ambulance while she assured everyone she was fine and the paramedics working quickly clearly showed the opposite. On the ride to the hospital, Luke held her hand, both for her comfort and his own. They were both scared, but Luke was the only one who would show it.

Y/N recovered, eventually. She was clear to go back to work after a few months, during which Luke checked up on her often, helping her even when she assured him she didn't need it. It was more endearing and amusing during that time, but it carried over into their work life when she got back.

He treated her as if she were glass; like she was going to break at moment, with the slightest wrong step. He insisted on driving whenever Emily sent them somewhere and helped her into the car every time. At crime scenes, he would try to keep her from getting too close, almost subtly, and he would be overly cautious, making certain that there was no threat present when it was already clear that there wasn't. He did the same when going to other locations to talk to people, and he would discreetly put himself between Y/N and whoever they were talking to if he got too suspicious. Y/N thought it would pass after a case or two, a reaction borne of fear that he would get over.

But he didn't.

He continued to be protective, so much so that it was preventing her from actually doing her job. He started asking Emily if she would just send them to the police station when they arrived in new places, as that was the safest option. He went in places ahead of her, and he wouldn't let her do practically anything in the field, though she tried to anyway. He would insist that she take it easy and stand back, but he was gentle about it, so Y/N didn't want to actually yell at him. But she was getting to the end of her rope.

She finally reached the end at the conclusion of one case, where she and Luke once again ended up being the first ones at the unsub's location. He wanted to wait for backup, but there was a chance that would put the unsub's hostage's life in danger. It seemed to him there was only one option.

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