Preference: Horror Movie | Marvel

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HAPPY HALLOWEEN (in a few days)!!

Peter's ended up being kinda sad, and Steve's has some commentary on violence in the media in it, which is... fun.

Also, just as a side note I don't really like horror movies as I am a wimp, and they scare me. Also, a lot of the time, the violence and gore is too much. And there's other things that are just a big no. But that's just me ig.

Summary: You watch a horror movie with him.

QOTP: Favorite horror movie?

Word Count: 2910

Bucky -
Sam introduced Bucky to horror movies a few months ago, and Bucky found that he really enjoyed them — the thrillers, at least. Not the gory ones.

Well, seeing as it's Halloween, Sam thinks it'll be fun to watch a horror movie together. Bucky has never watched a horror movie with you, and he's never heard you mention liking them. But, you say that you'll watch it with them.

"You gonna be okay?" Bucky asks as Sam puts the DVD in the player.

"I think I can handle it," you reply, grabbing the bowl of popcorn from the coffee table and placing it your lap.

Sam turns, the TV remote in one hand. "Hey, don't be hogging all the popcorn."

You set it in Bucky's lap instead, as he's in between you and Sam. The latter takes a handful of popcorn as he presses play.

Throughout the movie, you lay your head on Bucky's shoulder, his arm around you. You jump a few times at the jump scares, but so do Bucky and Sam. Other than that, you're pretty okay.

At least, you appear to be.

By the end of the movie, Sam has fallen asleep. You don't move as the credits play, highly aware of how dry your mouth is, seeing as you forgot to grab a drink before the movie started. But you're certainly not getting up to go into the dark kitchen that anything could be hiding in.

Bucky looks down at you, noticing that you haven't moved or said anything since the movie ended. "You okay?"

"Can you walk me to the kitchen?" you ask quietly, knowing that you were very wrong when you said earlier that you could handle it.

"I thought you said you weren't scared," Bucky says teasingly.

You sigh; you knew he would do this. "Bucky, I am literally fearing for my life right now-"

"Hey, I never said I wasn't gonna walk you," he cuts in sincerely. He stands, pulling you up with him, then holds your hand as he leads you to the kitchen. "I'll kick that dumb monster in his face before he could even look at you," he says. "He doesn't scare me. I've got a metal arm. I'd take him out easily." Then, he stops at the doorway to the kitchen and flips the light on dramatically. "Come and get me, I dare you!" he shouts, probably waking up Sam.

You laugh, and Bucky smiles triumphantly, mentally patting himself on the back for being a great boyfriend.

Ned -
You, Ned, Peter, and MJ are gathering one fine Halloween night at the movie theater to watch a new horror movie — the latest in a series of horror movies that you and Ned happened to be obsessed with.

"This is gonna be so awesome!" Ned says excitedly as you wait in line for tickets.

"I know!" you reply, your hand holding his as you both try to refrain from jumping up and down.

Peter and MJ, also holding hands, just laugh at you. "You guys are ridiculous," Peter says jokingly.

"Hey, this is nothing compared to you and Ned when a new Star Wars movie comes out," you reply.

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