Spider-Man | Sherlock Holmes

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Yes, it's Teenlock. But it's also a Marvel crossover. So two things I write often.

Also, I couldn't really find any fan art of Sherlock as Spider-Man except for like one, so I guess I'm crazy for thinking up this crossover in the first place. I'm also bad at art and therefore couldn't draw it myself.

Summary: Sherlock Holmes was bitten by a spider at a school field trip, and his friend — and crush — Y/N came to help him deal with the effects.

QOTP: Strange or Sherlock?

Word Count: 4807

You would think that a genius would be able to avoid getting bit by a radioactive spider while on a school field trip, but, then again, Mycroft always said Sherlock was the stupid one.

He didn't even notice the spider until it had bit him on his left hand, at which point he smacked it off, but the spider died instantly anyway. For a moment he wondered if he were actually poisonous, but quickly discarded the idea after John nudged his shoulder.

"You alright?" he asked, with a strange look. "You've been staring at your hand for the past twenty minutes."

Sherlock squinted at John. "It could not have been twenty minutes."

"Well, with the way she's going on and on and somehow managing to make this whole thing sound utterly boring, it feels like it," John replied, referring to their middle-aged tour guide.

She had a friendly smile and squared, dark purple glasses connected to a chain around her neck, which she would put on only when having to read something from her clipboard. Her hair was in one of those five-second clipped updos, causing the ends of it to stick up, giving it the appearance of a small, blonde tree growing up from the back of her head. She wore a lab coat over a floral blouse and brown skirt, and some sort of loafers. Other students might've noticed all or most of these details, but Sherlock had observed that she'd recently gone on vacation to a highly sunny place and had a tabby cat at home with her husband. The possibility of children was high.

Still, in that moment, he criticized both her and the rest of the staff for making it too easy for those spiders they were meant to be so interested in to get out and bite one of their touring students. He got over it within the next few minutes — or hours — of her talking, though he suspected that if he experienced any serious complications, his mother would have a word or two to speak to them.

"I'm actually struggling to be interested in this," Y/N admitted in a whisper, leaning closer to Sherlock. She was standing on his left, while John was slightly behind and to his right, his girlfriend Mary next to him. The four of them were quite close and hung out together often, though Y/N had weaseled her way into Sherlock's life before he'd met John, and then into his heart before he'd met Mary. The latter Y/N knew nothing about, and he fully intended to keep it that way, considering he knew she wouldn't feel the same way.

"Unsurprising," he replied to her. "As excited as you were about this, it seems as though this woman could make anything sound boring."

Y/N cracked a smile. "Even deductions? Or the two hundred and forty three varieties of tobacco ash?"

"Yes, very funny, Y/N, but one day that information will be quite useful."

"For what? Identifying what sort of cigarette a random man on the train smokes?"

Sherlock shrugged and turned away. "Maybe."

Y/N chuckled, and they finally moved on to another part of the lab, which was mostly just screens of data, all taken from the spiders they'd just seen. It managed to be more boring than before, and Y/N decided to amuse herself by poking and nudging Sherlock and then pretending that it wasn't her that did it.

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