Sweet Dreams

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Sake- pronounced /sakeh/ a japanese liquor

I sit on the main porch of the dorm thinking about earlier today. Everyone seemed to have a good time at the beach. Well, except for Momo. I shudder as think about her tears. I hugged her without thinking, That's what I did when my mother had that face. I held her for a few minutes before I backed off. But she knelt there, in my arms and cried. I hate to admit it, but I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the warmth of her against me, how it seems like she stayed with me to comfort herself. My heart was beating so quickly. I sigh and stare at the stars, they twinkle. In a way, they're like her eyes. A dark sky with orbs of radiance illuminating the atmosphere. But today, the ocean reached the beautiful night sky, making it impossible to see the glow.

I hear the door slide open. "Hey, Todoroki. Mind if I join you?" Kirishima walks onto the porch, leaving the entrance open, and asks. "Man, It's totally unfair that only the girls get to go to Mina's party!" 

He's referring to how after the beach, Ashido suggested that all of the girls go to her house, which is not that far away from the school.

"I mean, we can have fun too!" Kirishima pops open a bag of chips and starts to talk while eating. "Mina totally *munch* said that *munch munch* she was bringing *munch* sake to the party." 

"hey isn't that illegal or something?" Kaminari walks onto the porch because he overheard Kirishima.

"It's fun dude *munch* want some?" He offers it to Kaminari and I.

"No thanks." I decline.

Kaminari shoves his hand into the bag and starts eating.

"They're getting drunk without us." Kaminari scoffs.

I doubt Yaoyorozu would get drunk, she's always been a straightforward and responsible person. Although she has seemed a little out of it lately. I hope she's okay.

"Oh, guys don't you think you should come inside? It's really late and I heard that it was going to rain." Midoriya says as he walks by the doorway.

We all start to head to the couches in the common room. As we got into comfortable positions on the cushions we heard a car in the driveway. 

"That's probably them huh?" Kirishima questions.

A few seconds later the door bursts open. 

"We haaaaave returned!" Ashido yells

Four girls walk into the dormitory. Uraraka, Ashido, Hagakure, and Jiro. It seemed like Jiro was asleep on Urarakas back.

"Man you guys are completely wasted!" Kaminari yells. 

"Don't be a party pooper," Uraraka says sleepily. "We called an Uber so it's all *hic* gooood."

"Hey, stop yelling." Jiro groggily states.

"Why don't you guys go to bed?" Kaminari suggests

"Ehhh? Stop being boring," Ashido points her finger at him.

"Wait a minute, where's Yaoyorozu-chan?" Midoriya asks the girls

"Ohhh that girl? She totally said she wasn't feeling well earlier, so she said she was gonna come back here!" Hagakure informs.

"Somebody can't *hic* handle her alcohol! Pffft," Ashido taunts.

"You're one to talk!" Shouts Kirishima.

"Wait, Yaoyorozu hasn't been back at all." Midoriya says.

"Huuh? What are you talking about Deku-kun?" Uraraka then starts to stumble and she falls. Midoriya catches her and Jiro. 

Can't get over you (A Todomomo story)Where stories live. Discover now