Never again

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"What the hell do you mean she's missing?!" I storm up to Awase and shout at him with more desperation than anger. He looks back at me and glares.

"That's why I'm here hot head, I'm gonna tell you what happened" He bumps passed my shoulder and goes to Midoriya who is frantically waving his hands in front of him while wondering what to do. I stare at him, I'm not done talking to him yet.

"You were the last one with her, where is she?" I say loudly from the door of the building.

"Well, I told her to come with me to this new park in the middle of the city," The headbanded boy explains to MIdoriya, then he turns his head to look at me for a second. "I guess you could say we were on a date,"

My hand curls up into a fist.

"So she and I were talking and having a great time, she asked if I would get tea with her next Sunday and I-"

"Just get on with it!" I bark

"...A giant villain attacked out of nowhere," Awase looks down at his hand as if remembering something. "Yaomomo cleared all of the civilians out of the way... she's so strong... all I did was sit there in fear," His eyes turn sad as he walks towards me. "I just wasn't fast enough, she disappeared into thin air." I slowly start to pity Awase when he keeps talking, "The villain had some kind of shapeshifting power, it was a regular woman but then it turned into a scary looking man, it was really powerful."

"Shit," I whisper, I slowly start to wonder if this is my fathers doing, is it my fault that this is happening? I couldn't live with myself if that's the case

"I'm sorry..." Awase looks truthful, he looks like he's not necessarily a bad person.

I ignore that, there are better things to worry about right now... "I'm going to go find her,"

Awase turns his head and narrows his eyebrows "It's impossible, we're never going to find her! She could be in Africa for all we know-"

"So we go to Africa!" I yell as I slip on my shoes at the entrance of the dorms. "It's better than sitting around here doing nothing!" Awase avoids eye contact with me, "Just don't give up on her! You said it yourself, she's strong, trust her to come back to us," I clench my shirt in my hand, something in my chest hurts so much from imagining her in trouble. "To come back to me..." I whisper.

Please come back to me Momo

*                                                           *                                                           *

Where am I?

I lift my head and try to move my arms, I see that they're tied behind a metal pole. I quickly look around the room as I start to remember what happened beforehand.

Right, I was with Awase.

I start to struggle with the rope and breathe heavily.

Quick Momo, Assess the situation you're in

I am in a dark room that's dirty and looks abandoned. There are windows but they are covered by what seems to be old newspapers and wooden boards. I see no doors but I see a little hatch in the floor.

Right, first let's get out of this situation, let's make scissors!

I try to create scissors.

But nothing comes out.


I try again...

Can't get over you (A Todomomo story)Where stories live. Discover now