A little chat

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I think to myself. 

what could the old man possibly want... We haven't talked in months.

I walk up to my house and knock on the door. I hear footsteps coming toward it. The door slowly opens. 

"Shoto!" My older sister exclaims. "Welcome home."

"Nee-chan" I smile a little at the sight of her. "I'm not here for long so can we hurry this  up." I recollect myself and enter the house.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay longer? Eat some food? Maybe stay the night? If you want I could-"

"Fuyumi." I interrupt her and she gives me a knowing glance.

"He's in his office." She says as she heads up the stairs.

I head down a hallway to the left, I go down another hallway, then another one. I always thought this house had too many hallways. I finally stop at these hugs double doors. 

I always hated this room

I let myself in and slowly look around. It's an extremely large room with a small desk in the middle of it. My father is sitting in the chair, with his hands up to his chin. He's staring  at me as if he knew I would arrive at this very second.

"What do you want." I say sternly as I glare at him.

"Sit down." His voice booms, I'm hesitant but I never want to show any sign of fear when I'm around him.

"What. do. you. want." I repeat slowly as I edge towards him.

"Shoto, there have been a lot of reports about you lately..." He looks up at the ceiling and then back at me. "Many of them state how powerful you are... But thee was one specific one that I found very interesting." He held up a picture of Momo.

"What about her? She's my classmate." I calmly say.

"The Yaoyorozu family is one of our top competitors in the business industry..." He gets up. "This family is known to win. I've seen multiple stories about you and her, Since you know her, do your father proud and try to get some answers about their business through this girl."

"What? No, that's indecent." I say in disgust.

"The Yaoyorozu family has been rich for generations, a few days ago they played a dirty little trick and we almost lost a few of our products to them. We should return the favor... unless you don't care about our family?" he furrows his eyebrows.

"You don't usually play dirty... What did they do?" I ask.

"Shoto, just ask the girl a few questions an-"

"No, I'm not sabotaging her family name." I interrupt him.

"You're always so difficult." Endeavor lift up the picture of Momo even higher. "She's going to ruin us, our title, we have to get to her before they get to us." He starts to burn up the picture.

That's when my anger kicked in. I walk up to Endeavor until I'm close enough to feel the heat of his fire.

"Don't you dare touch her." I whisper. I start to walk away as he calls after me.

"It will happen either way Shoto, support your family or a total stranger! The choice is yours... I trust you will make the right decision!" He shouts.

As I close the door I here him say "Don't disappoint me."

*                                                          *                                                        *

What do I do.... My dad had to pick her of ALL people. And I left her in a terrible position with Denki.

I have to protect her from him. I enter the dorm and I start heading straight to my room, it's still late in the night. Mr. Aizawa let it slide that I was coming home so late. When I get to the door of my room I pause a little. I tried to remember what it felt like to hug her. That seems to calm me down a bit. 

I get into my room, take off my shirt, and throw on some shorts, the lights are off and the only light is coming from the moon. I try to get into my bed but I realized there was something there. My eyes widen as I realize who it is. 

"Momo." I whisper.

I should take her back to her room. She's cuddled up and she looks so comfortable. I try to pick her up from my bed but I have to adjust her position. I roll Momo over but as I do that I touch her breast. My face heats up a little because I shouldn't be thinking of her in that way. She just looks so cute. I notice that she's grasping onto a piece of fabric...

My Shirt!

I think, my face heating up a little, ... why is she holding it so close to her?

Maybe I should leave her be... afterall, it's been a really long night.

I sit up and stare at her for a while.

You're so pretty Momo

I look down at the palm of my hand and grimace

"I won't let him hurt you... I promise." I say as I gently place my lips on her forehead.

She starts to mumble something and slowly opens her eyes 

"Shoto-kun," she whispered sleepily, I brushed a hair away from her face and smirked.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up," I say honestly, although I do feel creepy just watching her sleep. I can't really help it.

Momo sits up a little bit and stares at me... with her bright eyes. Her face gets redder and redder as she looks at me.

"What are you thinking about?" I slightly tilt my head and ask.

"o-Oh uh, nothing..." Momo exclaims and turns her back to face me.

I think she's getting flustered but I can't really tell... I was never good at reading faces, so I wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on her right shoulder. She starts to giggle and I smile a little. Her laugh is angelic, it makes me want to kiss her.

"You're really cute you know that right?" I remind her.

"T-that was so sudden" she states quickly.

I blush a little and let go of her, no matter how much I want to hold her, I need to get a grip.

"Maybe you should go back to your room," I mumble.

"You don't want me here?"

"You're making it really hard for me to contain myself Momo," I look at her with desperate eyes "Please..." 

Momo is hesitant, she gets up from my bed and starts to walk away.

"I didn't mean to trouble you..." She whispers as my door creaks open.

"You know I didn't mean it like-" 



shit, now she's mad at me. I don't understand girls at all, I was only doing it for her sake.

I plop down on my bed and throw a pillow to my face.

"UGH" I groan loudly

I'll be making more...sorry for the wait. And the writing will be 8x better I promise! :)

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