Chapter 62

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SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!! didn't think i'd upload, didja??? hahahaha well here it is!!! i have to study for chemistry after this :P ugh. Well, i hope you enjoy this :) i was laughing while writing it... so yeah :) BYE!!! :D


            “Maya, you need to actually do something with Harry on his birthday. You can’t just go out to a bar, then come back home and that’s it,” Camille was almost laughing as she stood across from me at our island. I was sitting next to Maddie who I invited over as well. This was so stressful. Harry’s birthday was in a couple days and I had no idea what to do for him.

            “Well…” my voice trailed off.

            Camille walked around the island and wrapped her arm around my shoulders, looking at me, “You’re going to have to give him something that he will remember. I mean, he is turning thirty.”

            “But what?” I whined, throwing my head back and looking at the ceiling.

            Camille looked at Maddie who had her eyebrows raised.

            “I can think of something,” Maddie said, a slight smirk to her voice.

            “Something that you and Harry probably do very often…” Camille nudged me in my side, checking to see if I was catching on.

            “Kiss?” I looked up at her standing next to me.

            “Maya!” she exclaimed, bursting out laughing, “You have to give him birthday sex!

            “Oh,” I replied flatly, “Right.”

            “How did you not think of that Maya?” Maddie was laughing as well.

            “Well, sorry! I thought we were talking about presents…”

            “That could be considered a present,” Camille shrugged a little bit and squeezed my shoulders, “A very nice present that I’m sure he’ll appreciate very much.”

            “But what’s going to make it any different from our other times?” I asked, letting out a huge sigh. I was getting nervous. I still had a couple more days until his birthday came and all I got him was a blazer from work. He was my own husband and I had no idea what to get him for his birthday.

            “Well, we could get you a really nice outfit that I’m sure Harry would love to see you in,” Camille nudged me even more and I let out another shaky breath.

            “Are you talking about lingerie?” Maddie asked, grinning and starting to stand up.

            “That’s exactly what I’m talking about!” Camille exclaimed and the two gave each other a loud high five above my head.

            “Oh my god…”

            “Come on, let’s go! Right now!” Camille beamed, pulling me out of my seat.

            “Now?” I whined, “Why now?”

            “Because you’re not going to go any other time, so now is your chance! Trust me.”

            “Do you even know what you’re looking for?” I asked as Camille forced me to slip my boots on and walk outside.

            “Yes, I know lingerie,” Camille smirked a little bit and she handed me my keys that she had grabbed out of the glass bowl on the front hall table.

Forever and Always (Sequel to Nothing More, Nothing Less)Where stories live. Discover now