Chapter 1 - You Again?

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'HEY WEIRDO! WHERE ARE YOUR FRIENDS? OH THAT'S RIGHT, YOU DON'T HAVE ANY!' My bully called from where he as sat with his gang.
'SHUT IT DICAPIO! WE'RE SAT RIGHT HERE, AS YOU CAN PLAINLY SEE!' my best friend, Kennedy yelled back.
'DONT YOU DARE MAGUIRE!' My other best friend yelled.
'SHUT UP BLUE!' My third bully yelled. Not wanting to hear any more I got up, threw my lunch away and walked out.
'Hey hey hey! Don't worry about them! They think that just because they were in some movies they can treat people however they want.' Kennedy said as we reached our lockers.
'Ken, if you didn't notice, they were doing this way before the movies!' I said, taking out my books.
'Yeah. But just think, after this week, we'll never have to see them again!' Blue said, linking my right arm and Kennedy's left arm. We all cheered as the bell rang.

'Okay class. That is your time up. Please put down your pens and close your exam papers.' The voice of my tutor, Mr Davidson, broke through the silence of the room. Chatter started up as the bell rang, singling the end of another collage day.
'Miss Bellwood. May I have a word?' I nodded and walked back into the class room.
'See ya Monday Alice!' My collage best friend, Amy called.
'Bye. Have fun with Dameon!' I called.
'The little shit can go die in a hole! I wanted to go to Tammy's party but nooo! I have to baby sit my sorry excuse for a little brother!' She said.
'Oh come on. He's cute! And he looks just like you!' I said in a baby voice.
'Are you calling me cute?' She asked over her shoulder.
'Ever single day of your life babe!' I said, winking at her.
'Call you later.' Amy said before walking out of the door. I walked up to my teachers desk and waited for him to start talking.
'Okay, Alyssa May Bellwood. What am I going to do with you?' He asked.
'I'm afraid I don't know what your talking about sir.' I said, starting to get worried.
'Well, I have you targeted at a C+ to B by the time you leave for work placement? And at the rate your working... I'm afraid you're going to get an A*.' A smile graced both our faces.
'Really?' I asked.
'Yeah. And the improvement you've made from the end of secondary school is amazing! It's as if a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders.' He said. I smirked.
'Don't worry sir. That weight has gone far, far away!' Mr Davidson laughed.
'Have a good weekend Alice.' He said. I walked out of the building and down towards the carpark where Kennedy was waiting.

'And where have you been?' She asked.
'Talking to my Childcare teacher. If I keep the thoughts of a certain actor out of my head then I should get an A* by the end of the term!' I said.
'That is amazing! Now, serious. I'm afraid that it will just be you at dinner tonight.' Kennedy said.
'Are you guys ditching me?' I asked.
'No. But both of our parents have said that they want to have dinner with one old friends tonight so...' Kennedy said, pulling into my road. 'You live like two seconds away from the college. Why can't you walk home?' She asked.
'Me? Walk? Never!' I said, getting out of the car and walking up the driveway.

'MOM! DAD! I'M HOME!' I called.
'We're in the living room sweety.' My mom called. I walked in to see my mom curling her hair.
'You going out?' I asked.
'We all are. Now go and get into the outfit I have layed out for you.' She said. I walked up to my room and looked at the dress on my bed. It was the same style as the one I had worn to prom. Only instead of a long skirt, it was a short skirt. And it had less beads on. I warmed up my straighteners and did my hair. Put my make up on and slid into the dress. I added some accessories and perfume and went downstairs. My older sister Sarah and my younger sister Lilly were also there. Sarah was wearing a dress similar to mine expect hers was deep red and had straps and Lilly was wearing a pink dress that was covered in sequins. Mom checked me over and then we went and got in the car.

We parked in the restaurant and got out. Mom and dad walked up in front with Lilly holding my mom's hand, Sarah walked in the middle on her phone (most likely texting her new boyfriend Derek (I can't stand him)) and then I followed her. As we walked into the restaurant, I looked around and saw Blue and Kennedy. Both of their families were sat with other families with two very famillier people but I just couldn't remember. I followed my parents as a waiter led us to a table where another family were already waiting. My parents greeted the other two like old friends. I looked up. I saw him. My world stopped.

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