fourteen !

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( fourteen ! )

BLAIR WAS NERVOUS AS THEY NEARED THE CULLEN HOUSE. Would they actually get to the little girl? Blair then looked at Xander he had his teeth gritted and if he was human his knuckles would have turned white.

"Xander." His head snapped towards her "they will be okay" she told him and then he stopped the car a few miles away from the Cullen's house.

Xander and Blair both ran as fast as they could. Xander grabbed a wolf closer to him and threw it against a tree then he tries to help his siblings.

Paul makes her way over to Blair but the original is faster. She quickly doges the hotheaded wolf. Blair smirked and moved quickly to help Esme.

Paul grows and grabs her by the shoulder and Blair let out a low growl. She grabs Paul by the throat and then throws him into another wolf. "That was a new dress!" She yelled and then noticed Edward and Rose.

She nodded at them and they all work together to protect Edwards family.

"Stop! It's over! If you kill her, you kill me" Jacob yelled and the wolves stopped what they were doing. Blair looked over to Xander and raised her eyebrow.

one of the wolves tries to attack again but Jacob turns into a wolf and stops them, Edward realizes what's happened

Xander teleported over towards Blair and out his arm around her waist.

"Jacob imprinted. They can't hurt her. Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law" Edward told them and Blair looked at Xander. "What's an imprint?" She asked him as he laughs "I'll tell you later love" he said and kisses her temple.

"What's am imprint?" She asked again as they started to walk towards the house. "Alexander Cullen! I will not ask again!" She yelled whenever they got into the house.

"God woman you are loud" Emmett said and then Blair tries to attack him but Xander held her close.

"No love" he said and Blair melted into his touch. "An imprint is a mate" Xander whispered into her ear. "Oh" Blair said and laughed "so like you and me."

"Yes darling just like you and me."


"Let me see her!" Blair squealed and Rose handed Renesmee over to her. "Hello" she spoke quietly "I'm going to be your favourite aunt. I'm aunt Blair and this big brute is my mate Xander." Xander smiled at held her closer to him.

Renesmee looked up at Blair. Blair didn't even realised that she was crying. "Rose take her" she said as the other blonde maker her way over to take the small baby.

Blair then ran out of the house and continued to cry. She didn't stop running until she was up a mountain.

She could feel the breeze on her skin. The wind softly blowing her hair.

"Blair" Xander called out to her. Blair turned around. "I'm-I'm sorry" she said and Xanders heart broke.

He walked over to her "why darling?" He asked her. Blair his her face in his chest.

"I had a fiancée. I thought that he was an amazing guy. I fell pregnant shortly after our two year mark. He didn't want the baby so he started to hit me. I ran away and I found a small cottage that someone was selling. I paid for it and I lived there for the rest of my pregnancy."

Blair took a deep breath.

"He found me whenever I was in my ninth month. I knew that I couldn't kill him because he had a few of his friends with him. I just wanted to feel human. I fell in love with him and he broke me. Him and his friends beat me and beat me and I just wanted it to be all over."

"Two days after that I was in labour and I had no one. I didn't tell my siblings where I was and he probably thought I was human so he left me there to die."

"My baby didn't make it. She was so beautiful quite like Renesmee. So tiny but so perfect. I held her for two days just staring at her. I buried her in the back of the cottage."

"I went to his town and looked for him but he wasn't there and neither where his friends. I spent two years looking for them and when I did I killed them one by one. I beat them then I drained them."

"My siblings didn't even know that I had a baby." Xander held her tighter. He kissed the top of her head.

"I would never do that to you" he told her as she nodded her head "I know."

They stayed like that for a while. Enjoying each other's company.

— authors note —

I have changed some things because someone said that Leah was on the Cullens side and I had forgotten about it and I have changed it to Paul for the fight scene.

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