thrity-eight !

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( thirty—eight ! )

THE FAMILY OF FIVE WERE DOING WELL. The twins liked their baby's brothers especially Kai, he couldn't wait for him to grow older so that they could play probably.

Right now Blair was getting the baby ready for the whole family to come over, it's been three days since his birth and they were doing well.

Xander tried to delay the family but Rose would've had a freak out and he decided against it. "Mama where is my dress?" Arielle asked as Blair changed Elijah for the 100th time that morning.

"Which one, cub?" Blair looked at her daughter who smiled "the one with the stars on it" she said as Blair finished changing Elijah and picked him up. "I'll find it, cub" she said smiling and grabbed Arielle's hand.

"Mama why can't 'lijah walk?" Ellie asked her as Blair smiled "he's too young to be a able to walk, give him a couple of months and then he'll be running with you and your brother" Ellie smiles and nodded her head.

"Okay, mama" she said as they walked into the twins room. "Kai you have to wear this" Xander was trying to explain to his oldest son who was refusing to put on some jeans.

"No!" Kai said and squealed as he got away from his father. "Woo Jongin!" Blair said and he stopped in the middle of his tracks. "Listen to your father" Kai looked up at his mother and nodded his head.

"Okay, mama" he said and walked over putting on his trousers. "Xander can you take Elijah?" Blair asked as Xander smiled "coming here baby boy" he said and took his youngest child and guided Kai out of the room.

"Now cub let's find your dress" Blair said as she started to look in Arielle's wardrobe for the little dress.

After some digging Blair found the dress and showed it to Arielle. "Thank you, mama!" Arielle said as she put the dress on and Blair zipped it up.

Blair smiled and kissed her daughters cheek. "I love you cub" she told her as Ellie smiled "I love you as well!" And she gave Blair a big kiss on the cheek.


Now that all of the children were fed and dress it was time for Blair to get dressed as well. Xander has already cleaned the house so she didn't have to worry about it.

As she got dressed she could hear giggles from the kitchen and was wondering what was going on. When she walked out of her bedroom she saw Emmett and Rose along with their two four year old twins: Amelia and Gabriel.

"Hello" Blair said as she greeted her family as they all smiled back. Rose was sitting on a chair with Elijah "he's so cute" Blair smiled "do you remember when the twins were like that?" Blair asked her as Rose nods her head. "They were adorable" Rose smiled.

Blair sat down next to rose and saw that Emmett was playing with the kids. "Run before the boogie man gets you!!" he says and then puts up the hood of his hoodie and starts to run after the kids.

Blair laughs as the two set of twins squealed, giggled and laughed at the uncle/father.

"How are the twins?" Blair asks Rose who smiles at them "they have slowed down a bit with their ageing and I have three children" Rose said as she nods her head over to her husband who keeps on saying that he is the 'boogie man.'

Blair laughs "well I have four."

Both of them laugh "when is everyone else going to come?" Blair asked as Rose looked up at the clock "I'm not too sure. I know that Carlisle is finishing up a shift at the hospital but he will be here. Alice and Japer are doing something with Isiah and I don't know where Esme is, probably baking something for the kids, and Bella and Edward are in the wind."

"No we're not" they heard a voice and turned around to see Bella. Renesmee is already with the other kids but being one of the oldest she plays along with her uncle Emmett and Edward is watching them.

"Is this Elijah?" Bella said as she got closer. Blair smiled "yeah, Klaus and Kol weren't too happy about it but anyway.." both Bella and Rosalie laughed about it.

"Kids lunch!" Xander yelled which resulted in Eli being scared. Blair glared over at her husband as Rosalie gave Blair back her son.

"It's okay" Blair told him as she bounces him up and down gently in her arms. "I don't miss that aspect of it" Emmett said as the kids were around the dinner table. Rosalie smiles "I do" she said sadly. "I don't" Bella said and joined Edward in the living room.

"What did we miss?" Alice asked as her and the boys walked in. "We were talking about little Eli" Rosalie said "and the baby part" Emmett said as Alice smiles "Isiah was a good child from the start" Jasper nods his head "he was" he said missing those times.

"Does he need anything?" Xander's asked Blair who calmed him down. "No" she said. "Hello Alice and Jasper."

Isiah walked up to Blair "he's really small" he told her as Blair laughed "I watched Tarzan and he's as small as him!" Isiah told her as Blair nodded her head.

"I guess he is." She told him.


Soon Esme and Carlisle came and the house was packed. The adults let the kids watch a movie in Blair and Xander's room.

Eli was kept close to his mother's side. "I can't believe I'm married with four kids" Blair said as everyone started to laugh "four?" Xander asked and then got it "really funny, dove" he told her as she smiled over to Bella "I thought it was" she told her.

"Well I wouldn't have met this man if Alice would have never gotten in trouble or if Edward never got married. These past few years have been the happiest of my life and I can't thank you all enough" Blair said smiling.

Xander kisses her cheek.

"My life was hard before I met all of you and now you have giving me a new meaning to life so I want to thank all of you."

The Cullens all looked at each other. "Group hug!" Emmett said softly. Everyone got up off of the couches and hugged without squishing Eli.

And Blair couldn't have been happier.

—the end—


I want to thank ALL of my readers for reading this book. I know it wasn't a super ending but I didn't want to drag this book out anymore.

I might write one about the children as well!

I can't believe that I am finally finished this book. Thank you so so so much for all of the reads, votes & comments.

I'll update you about the children's book.

But this is a see you later....

Thank you again


— __thealpha__

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