eighteen !

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BLAIR WAS BOUNCING WITH EXCITEMENT AS SHE FELT THE PLANE GO DOWN. She was finally home. She couldn't wait to get off of the plane.

"Why do parents bring their young children on planes?" She wondered as she made her way into the small airport.

She grabbed her bags and made her way towards the front of the airport. As she got closer she could hear her mate and Alice.

"Do you think that her plane has landed?" Xander asked Alice as she think about it for a while. "Yes" she whispered "she's coming in five, four, three, two, one"

Blair leaves her bags behind her as she grinned from ear to ear. Her blonde hair filling behind her as she engulfed her mate into a hug.

"I missed you" she told him and Xander wraps his arms around her tighter "I missed you as well" he whispered into her ear.

Whenever they finally let go of each other Blair hugs Alice. "I missed you as well, old friend" Alice then hits her on the back of her head. Blair only chuckles and hugs her.

"So are we ready to go home?" Alice asked Blair who nodded her head. Xander put his arm around her shoulder and kissed the side of her head.

"I missed you" he told her as Blair smiled "I was only gone for....a week?" she said with a small laughed. "I missed you as well you big baby!" she laughed as Xander pouted.


"I know Alice...I know" Alice smiled and they all pilled into the car. Soon enough they were home, Blair noticed the tense look on Xavier's face.

Blair grabbed his hand and squeezed it "why are you worried?" she asked him and Xander looked at her "Alice we will meet you in the house..." he told his sister who nodded her head and danced into the beautiful house.

"Will you be alright Blair?" Xander worriedly asked his mate as Blair looked at the house. After a few moments she nodded her head and they got out of the car.

"We don't have to go...." Xander trailed off but Blair shook her head "I want to go" and she walked closer to the warm, inviting house. She could hear everyone as she walked up the stairs.

Her eyes carefully watched the family of three. Bella looked over at her 'sister-in-law' and gave her a small smile.

"She looks amazing" Blair said and then walked up to the newborn. "I'm sorry that I ran away" she told her and then saw the small hybrid.

She then looked back at Bella, apart from her eyes she was truly a Cullen. "You look stunning Bella. God, you were meant for this" Bella smiled and hugged Blair.

"Thank you" she said and then the two girls looked at renesmee. Edward handed Renesmee to Blair who looked the baby.

"You are truly prefect" she whispered and watched as her small hand made contact with her face.

She saw everything and was quite surprised whenever she pulled away. "Wh-What.." everyone laughed as Blair looked like she was a dear caught in headlights.

"She has a gift" Edward said slowly as Blair laughed "well I knew that" Blair then heard a small growl.

"Jacob" Edward warned as she noticed the tan boy. "Who is this?" She asked as she handed Bella her daughter.

"Jacob Black....he is a wolf who imprinted on RenesmeeL" Edward explained to the original. "He imprinted on your week old baby?" Blair asked.

Xander walked closer to his mate "wolfs of his kind cannot help it, sweetheart" Xander told her as the original watched him very carefully.

"What kind of wolf is he?"

"He is still in the room" Jacob snapped and Blair walked towards him "alright Mr. Wolf....since I'm new here and don't know much about your kind. Tell me what is your kind exactly?"

"I'm a Quileute wolf. We are a tribe that protects the people of Forks from vampires. We have 'mates' called imprints. You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend."

Blair nodded her head "you break her heart and I'll rip yours out" she spoke slowly and then walked towards Xander.

"Great to have you back, B!" Emmett yelled as they walked out of the room and into their bedroom. "Great to be back!" she yelled and then laughed.

She was home.

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