twenty - four !

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( twenty-four ! )

IT WAS THE DAY BEFORE THE BATTLE. Blair was excited for some reasons because her siblings were coming into town today.

She was very excited for the Cullens and Mikealsons to meet. Blair was in the car going to the airport with Xander.

They had taken Emmett's jeep. Whenever they got to the airport, Blair was out of her seat as fast as Xander had parked the car. She opened the door and runs at a human speed.

Xander smiled and followed behind his mate, he was walking calmly and as soon as he entered the airport heard his in laws.

"Rebekah get back here!" He heard Elijah say as Rebekah ran towards her sister. The two original girls hugged each other so tight.

The two boys in follow suit.

"Shall we get home?" Blair has asked her siblings, she couldn't wait for them to meet the rest of the Cullens. All of the Mikealsons carried their luggage to the car and put it in the boot.

"Oh I can't wait for you to meet the Cullens!" Blair practically squealed. "We can't wait to meet them" Rebekah told her sister.


The ride to the Cullen house was short. Whenever they pulled into the drive they were met by the Cullens.

Once Xander parked the car everyone was out.

"Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah meet the cullens. This is Carlisle and Esme, they are the 'parents' of this coven since everyone else was turned whenever they were teens."

"This is Alice and Jasper, they have unique gifts. Alice can see the future but it can change and Jasper can change people's emotions."

"This is Rosalie and Emmett. Emmett has super strength and is strong than the rest of the coven and Rose is more beautiful than the rest as well."

"This is Bella and Edward and their daughter Renesmee. Edward can read minds and Renesmee has two gifts, Tactile thought projection and shield penetration. Bella's gift is that she is a shield and we have only learned that very recently."

"Hello, thank you for welcoming us into your home" Elijah said. "Hello" Rebekah said and then got down to Renesmee's height. "Hello I'm Rebekah" she and and smiled at the little hybrid.

Blair looked to Nik. "Nik..." Klaus looked over to his sister. "I want to say thank you for looking over Blair, when we couldn't." Nik looked at Carlisle who smiled at the hybrid.

"It was no problem at all."

Blair walked over to Renesmee "Nik is also a hybrid" she told the half-human half-vampire. Renesmee looked over at Klaus who smiled, Renesmee reminded him of his daughter.

"What is your daughter called?" Edward asked the hybrid. Klaus looked over to the mind-reader. "Hope" he said "her name is hope."

"That's a beautiful name" Esme told him and Klaus smiled "it is."


It was now dark and everyone was sitting by the bonfire telling war stories.

"Name any American battle, I was there." Garrett said as Jacob started to think. "Little Big Horn."

"I came this close to biting Custer, but the Indians caught him first." Garrett said as Kate sat next to him.

"Try Oleg's assault on Constantinople, he didn't win that one on his own." Kate said.

"If you're talking battles, you're talking the Eleven Years War. No one does rebellion like the Irish." Liam told everyone.

"You lost the Eleven Years War." Garrett reminded the Irish vampire.

"Aye, but it was one hell of a rebellion." Liam chuckles

"When we ruled everything came to us. Prey, diplomats, favour seekers. Such was our power, but we never put on white hats and called ourselves saints." Vladimir began.

"We were honest about what we were." Stefan followed him. " We sat still for a very long time, we didn't notice we were beginning to petrify." Vladimir said and Stefan took over "perhaps the Volturi did us a favor when they burned our castles."

"We've been waiting fifteen hundred years to return that favor."

Edward and Carlisle were a little bit away from the bonfire.

"I can't help thinking, all these people are putting themselves in danger because I fell in love with a human." Edward said to his adoptive father.

"You found your mate, you deserve to be happy." Carlisle said to him.

"But at what cost?" Edward asked.

" Everyone here has something to fight for. I certainly do." Carlisle said.

Edward looked over to the tent that had his wife and daughter in.

"Carlisle, I've never thanked you, for this extraordinary life." Edward said as Carlisle puts his hand on his shoulder.

While in the tent Bella gives Renesmee the locket
containing a photo of Bella and Edward and the message 'Plus que ma propre vie' engraved in it.

"This means 'more than my own life', and that's how much I love you. Tomorrow I'm gonna need you to stay with Jacob, no matter what. Even if I tell him that...that he has to take you somewhere." Renesmee starts to cry and Bella pulls her into her side with her arms around the young hybrid.

"Hey, baby, it's alright. You're gonna be safe. Always." Bella told her daughter.


Blair looked at everyone as she made her way over to her siblings. "Thank you so much for coming." She told them as they all smiled and told her that she didn't need to thank them.

"They are important to you Blair." Klaus said "we will fight with you."

Blair smiled, she didn't know want was going to happen tomorrow but she knew that she had tonight to spend with her family and mate.

And that is all that mattered to her.

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