twenty - seven !

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( twenty-seven ! )

BLAIR WOKE UP FROM HER NAP. She looked at the clock as it read 20:08. She got up off of the bed and walked down to the Cullens.

The Cullens smiled as they saw the pregnant hybrid. "Congratulations Blair!" Blair then noticed the banner and cake. Blair laughed "you didn't have to do this for me" she said.

"Of course we did your family now" Esme said "now what food would you like?" Blair raised an eyebrow "anything that won't make me throw up?" Everyone laughed apart from Bella.

"I'm serious" Blair said "I'm not picky but this little their father" If Xander was human then he would've gotten whiplash.


Blair didn't pay any attention to her mate. "Carlisle could you do a scan?" Blair asked the oldest Cullen vampire who nodded his head. Blair and Xander followed Carlisle while the food was being prepared.

Blair sat on the bed as Xander stood beside her nervously. Blair laughed "your even more nervous then I am" she told him.

"Sorry dove" he said "this is my first child and I-"

Blair cut him off "it's okay, I understand" she said. Carlisle got the monitor ready. Blair lifted up her shirt as he put the cold gel on her stomach.

He used the wand and stopped whenever he could see the child or children.

"Carlisle?" Xander called out to his adoptive father who smiled at the mates.

"There baby A...." Xander then fell to the floor "and there's baby B." Blair looked at her mate and sighed. "Oh god, he's going to be a handful."

"Your at ten weeks because your a hybrid your children are growing at an impeccable pace but I think that you can manage this pregnancy more then Bella."

"Would you like to hear their heartbeats?" Blair nodded her head. There was nothing and then there were two heartbeats.

"Oh wow" Blair said to herself tears filling her eyes. "I'll print off the pictures for you" Carlisle said and Blair nodded.

"Emmett?" Blair called out and the big man came into the room. He laughed whenever he saw Xander on the floor.

"He's not much help is he?" Blair asked her soon to be brother-in-law who just kept laughing. Soon everyone was in the room.

"Well....that's not something you see a vampire do everyday" Bella said and laughed. "Can someone get my mate off of the floor" Blair started to laugh but tried not too.

Jasper and Emmett then lift him off of the floor. One by his feet and the other grabbing his upper-body.

Carlisle helped Blair get off of the bed. "Everything looks perfect" he told her and she thanked him. "Can vampires faint?" Blair asked and Carlisle shrugged his shoulders "I've learned more about our kind in the past few months than I have ever before."

Blair looked at him. "Very true."

Rosalie looked at Blair, "congratulations Blair" she said and Blair smiled "thank you Rose."

The house was quiet again. Blair was eating dinner and Xander was still knocked out unconscious, she was starting to worry about him.

Emmett and Jasper has put him into their room. Blair bit everyone a goodnight and went up to her room. She saw her mate open his eyes.

"Why hello sleepyhead" she giggles and Xander groaned "they all saw me like that didn't they?" Blair nodded her head "yes sweets, they did."


"Yep twins. Because I am a hybrid they are growing at a rate like Renesmee did but it won't have that outcome." She explained to her mate.

Xander nodded "that's good" he told her. "Come to bed" he said and Blair changed into comfier clothes.

"Could we make Rose and Emmett the godparents of one and Alice and Jasper the godparents of the other?" She asked him "I mean my siblings will be crushed but they are directly their aunt and uncles, I know that the Cullens are too but we will have more kids."

Xander kisses his mate "that would be amazing dove."

Blair smiled "oh did your friend make it home alright?" Xander was confused for a second and then he realised that she was talking about Minho.

"Yes they did, I told him that everyone had said thank you for their help."

Blair cuddled into his side.

"I love you, Xander."

"I love you three as well, Dove."


— authors note —

A bit shorter then what other chapters are but I hope you enjoyed it.

If you've gotten any baby name suggest them here  because I don't know what to call these kids.

Thank you all for reading.

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