thirty !

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( thirty ! )

IT HAS BEEN A FEW WEEKS SINCE THE MIKEALSONS HAVE CAME TO FORKS. Sam Uley reminded the Cullens that they could not hunt in this area and the Cullens remained the Mikealsons who hunted somewhere else.

The wedding was in a week. The planing had been going on for two months and now in a week Blair Mikealson would officially become Blair Cullen. The twins were doing fine, they were making themselves more noticeable.

She was in her 'twelfth' week but because she was carrying twins and hybrids her pregnancy moved a little big faster then a normal humans but not as fast as Bella's.

So now she was in her sixteenth week. Right now she had her last wedding dress fitting. Next Friday would be her big day.

The dress fitted her comfortably and it showed her bump off very well. She couldn't believe that she was the first Mikealson to get married.

"Oh Alice this dress is amazing!" Blair said as she walked out. Alice has taken her fitting to a friend and she made a gown for her. This was Blair's first and final fitting.

The dress was perfect and beautiful in Blair's eyes

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The dress was perfect and beautiful in Blair's eyes. "I knew that you would like it!" Alice said excitedly. "How is the fitting? Is everything okay?" Alice rambled on and Blair nodded her head "everything is perfect."

"Oh Alice you did an amazing job." It was just Blair and Alice in the shop. Blair didn't want anyone to see what she looked like.

Especially her brothers, who would be walking her down the aisle. She knew that they would want to dance with her for the father-daughter one but she had asked Carlisle.

Even if she was older then the man, she had always seen Carlisle as a father figure since her own had been killed and her adoptive father had tried to kill her many times.

She couldn't wait to marry her mate. People from the fight were going to be there and some of the wolves as well.

She had grown closer with the Black pack. Leah has found her mate in Minho's pack and he had moved here. He was a sweet man and perfect for Leah. He was very outgoing, he was a wolf version of Emmett in a way. Not by the looks but by his attitude.

He was strong but also sweet and he didn't have his own hothead moments but he would do anything for his family.

Blair smiled at Alice "I can't wait" Alice smiled back "it's only another week, Blair."

Blair sighed "I know but now that it's around the corner I just want to marry him."

"You can wait for another seven days." Alice told her, and Blair nodded her head "right let's get you out of this so that we can go and look at the cake. Rebekah is going to meet us there."

Blair smiled at her friend. "I'm glad that I had found you that night."

Alice smiled "so am I."



They had a 'sleepover' and watched a couple of movies.  Well a lot of movies. Mostly Disney, old Disney. They watched Snow White, the lion king, sleeping beauty, and now they were onto Tarzan.

Renesmee has fallen asleep a long time ago and it was after twelve. The boys went to Xander and Blair's house.

Alice watched Blair fall in and out of sleep. She smiled and quietly told the other girls about the sleeping beauty.

Bella turned off the movie, Alice and Rebekah moved Blair swiftly into her bed and Esme and Rose made sure that everything was perfect.

They couldn't wait for Xander and Blair to get married, and it was happening tomorrow.

"I haven't been this excited since Bella's and Edwards wedding!" Bella laughed "Alice that was almost a year ago?" The brunette reminded her best friend.

"Oh yes, well time does go by quickly." Alice said to them all. "Yes, yes it does" Rebekah said.

"She'll look beautiful tomorrow."

Everyone agreed.

Blair Mikealson would become Blair Cullen.

and they couldn't wait for it.


— authors note —

The wedding is next chapter, it will be longer. I hope that you like the dress! I know that I do.

Thank you for reading!

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