twenty - eight !

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( twenty-six ! )

IT HAD BEEN TWO DAYS SINCE BLAIR AND XANDER CAME BACK. The pregnancy was going well and Alice was doing Blair's head in.

Blair promised Alice that she would do plan her wedding with a certain pixie. "Alice I don't care about the flowers!" Blair said as she walked to the kitchen.

"But....Bella's flowers were so nice and I think that we should consider these flowers!" Alice said and Blair our the bread into the toaster.

"Alice could you give me a moment to search up flowers?" Blair asked and Alice nodded and walked away.

Blair sighed finally getting away from Alice, Blair knew that Alice had the flowers already since she can see the future.

Edward walked into the kitchen "Blair you alright?" Edward asked. Even though Blair is a hybrid the Cullens still worry about her, especially since she is carrying twins.

"Alice just...she's great with the wedding planing and I'm no and I'm getting frustrated and I don't know..." Edward smiled "just tell her Blair" he told her "this is putting stress on you" Blair nodded.


Blair looked at the toaster and put the bred onto the plate and buttered it. Then she put some cheese on it and started to eat it.

Xander walked in after Edward had left. Blair looked up at her mate. "Hi" she said as Xander kissed her "hello dove, how are you three doing today?" Blair smiled "just fine" she said and started to eat her toast again.

"Just let Alice do what she wants..." Xander told his mate as he sat down. "I know but then I'll feel bad" Blair said "but I do have a person who can help! She knows my taste" Blair smiled "where's my phone?"

Xander handed her the phone.

"Blair?" Rebekah asked on the other side.

"Hi Rebekah, how have you all been doing?"

"Oh you know just the usual, what's the problem Blair?"

"Oh there's no problem but I though you could all come down soon...especially you Rebekah. Alice is trying to perfect Xander and I's wedding and I'm just so overwhelmed and could you please come down?"

"I'd loved too...boys we've got to go to Forks!" Rebekah yelled and Blair pulled away the phone.

"We'll see you soon" Rebekah then hung up the phone. Blair looked at her mate "and we have to tell them the other news whenever they get here."

Xander chuckled "Blair your carrying don't think that their not going to notice something?" Blair nodded her head "your right but.....twenty on Nik saying he's going to be the first to work it out."

Xander smirked "twenty on Elijah" Blair smirked and held out her hand.

"Deal" they both said.


"Blair have you figured what flowers you want?"

Blair groaned and got up follows Alice's voice.

"Alice as much as I appreciate you doing this.....this is too stressful for me." Alice nodded her head "that's okay, you should've told me sooner."

"I know but my sister is coming to help you."

Alice smiled "it would be nice to get to know someone else" she muttered and then went away to plan more wedding stuff.

Blair smiled and walked into the living room where Jasper, Emmett and Xander were playing a video game. Blair sat down beside her mate for a while then Esme called Blair.

She kissed Xanders cheek and walked away, Emmett was protesting that she was blocking his view of the TV.

She walked into the kitchen and saw Esme had a mug in her hand. "I want to talk to you" she said and Blair grew worried.

"Shall we go outside for a bit?" Blair nodded her head and grabbed the mug. They sat down on the outdoor furniture.

"Blair I want to thank you" Esme said "you have helped my family in great ways, in ways that you might've not known."

"You don't have to thank me Esme" she said "you are all of my family, I would do anything to you" she said and Esme smiled "which is why I wanted to give you this" Esme held a small box and gave it to Blair.

She took the box and opened it. Inside the box was a necklace, she noticed that all of the Cullen woman had it.

It was their necklace. It was their family necklace. Blair teared up a little.

"Carlisle and I want to welcome you into our family properly." Esme smiled.

"Esme I...I don't know what to say except thank you. I want to thank you as well, you have shown me so much in our small time together. Things that my own mother hasn't even shown me and I think I have grown up a bit because of that. You are definitely the heart and soul of this coven Esme."

If Esme could cry this would be one of those times. The two woman hugged. "Thank you Blair" Esme said as the other woman grinned.

"Thank you Esme" she said and out the necklace on.

Xander walked out to see the two woman conversing and so he left. He saw Carlisle in his study. He knocked on the door.

"Do you know what your wife and my mate are talking about? They both seem very emotional."

Carlisle looked at his son. "We are welcoming Blair officially into the family." He told him and Xander was a bit shocked.

Blair was always apart of the family he had already thought that she had the family crescent.

"Oh thank you Carlisle" Carlisle smiled "she's already family" he told his son.

They were finally happy.


authors note —

I thought that Esme and Blair needed a moment.

Thank you for reading.

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