thirty-six !

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( thirty–six ! )


Blair looked at Xander "I can hear twins?" she said unsure and Xander nodded his head. "So can I." he told her as she smiled.

Maybe there were going to be two new additions to the family. Emmett came into the living room holding one of the twins.

"They're like Renesmee" he told the family "but she is much smaller" he said and smiled. Blair looked at her husband and they both knew that there were going to be two new additions.

"The woman told us before she gave birth that she wanted us to keep them, she knew we were like her 'husband' she never told us his name but we have to protect these two from him" Blair walked up to Emmett to see the new baby.

"And we will" she said and looked at the baby. She was gorgeous for a small baby. But she knew that she would grow up in no time.

Rosalie then came in with a boy, she was smiling from ear to ear. Carlisle came out as well and asked Alice to clean the woman up before they have her a burial.

Blair decided to help as well. "I wonder what will happen to the twins?" Blair asked as Alice looked at her getting a basin and sponge. "We will have to tell the Volturi what had happened." Alice said as Blair smiled "everything will be okay" she said "besides I don't think we will take in anymore children for a long time" Blair said and Alice nodded her head.

The two worked quickly and quietly. Blair felt sorry for the human. She could've had a real family with a loving husband but some vampire had to ruin that chance for her.

Blair wondered when the volturi would come. They were scheduled for sometime this week to check on Renesmee, they were going to get a shock whenever they see the three new additions.


Things were going smoothly with the twins. Rosalie and Emmett have decided to adopt them. The Cullens got word that the volturi were on their way. But they didn't know when.

Everyone was on edge because Alice said that they were not far away. Rose was beside the twins with Emmett on her left side.

Alice and Jasper were in the couch and Blair and Xander were beside them. They all heard a knock as Carlisle welcomed the volturi into their home.

Blair could hear them coming up the stairs a. Aro searches for Renesmee who was beside her parents and then he noticed the three new additions, minus Xander and Blair's children.

"My, my, my" aro started "twins!" he giggled as Blair rolled her eyes and moved towards Rose and Emmett as Xander stayed with Jasper and Alice.

"And oh, what do we have here?" Aro asked as Xander growled and stepped in front of his brother and sister. "I only want to have a look, dear Xander" Aro said as Xander stepped down.

Alice held her hand out to Aro who grasped it and watched the scene unfold. "How do you know he is not human?" Aro asked as his brother growled.

"I saw his eyes change" Blair starred "he is definitely not human. What he is, I am not too sure" Blair said and walked towards Aro.

He nodded his head and watched again. "Oh my" he whispered and smiled "you are all going to keep these, children?"

"This is preposterous!" Caius yelled as Blair growled. "So we give these children to humans? The twins are like Renesmee and they will grow faster than the average human! The humans will freak and call the cops and we will all be exposed. Isiah is not human and when we figure out what he is we will also be exposed. We will not let these children get out of hand" Blair told them.

Caius growled and Blair did as well. He ran towards her as she pushed him off of her. He got up and growled again, Jasper and Alice moved as Isiah cried not used to hearing such violence.

Blair moved quickly as she felt Bella's shield over her. She smirked and punched the king once in the stomach and then in the face, the king fell and Blair punched him repeatedly in the face with each blast more of his face broke.

"Enough!" Aro yelled and Blair stopped "you might be the kings but I am an original! I let you into my home and question my family, I have let this go on for way too long" Blair got up as Caius went back to his brothers. "You will stay away from my family or you will face the wrath of the Mikealsons" she hissed as Xander came behind her and kissed her cheek. M

Aro and Marcus nodded their heads as Caius was still trying to heal from his 'injuries.'

"We apologise for everything that has happened today" Aro said as Blair smirked. "We will come back in a few months" Aro told them as Caius looked at his brother. "They have to be punished!" Caius shrieked as Marcus held back his brother and whispered into his ear. Caius calmed down. "We will be back" Aro said and Blair smiled "one more thing" she said.

"The twins mother was raped by a vampire who held her as his 'wife' find him and punish him. You should really change a few rules" she told him and smirked "I'll see you out" she said and kissed Xander's cheek.

"You come back and I'll kill you for sure" Blair told the kings who nodded their heads "we will look into the twins father" Marcus said and Blair nodded her head "good" she said and saw them get into their car. Xander walked out of the house.

"Will they be back?" He asked his wife who wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him "they won't" she told him "but we will hear about the twins father" she told him.

Xander smiled at his wife and kissed her again. "Break it up you two! The twins are awake!" Blair laughed "coming!" she yelled back.

She loved her life.

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