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Before I know it the weeks have flown by and I find myself at the airport anxiously waiting for my girl. My heart is exploding with excitement at the thought of seeing Ruby again. To be in her arms. To have her lips against mine. To feel her smooth skin beneath my fingertips... I never thought I could need another human being as much as I feel like I need her. My heart aches every moment that we are apart, the sweet sound of her voice, or the beautiful smile on her face is enough to brighten even the worst of days.

The loud speaker announces the arrival of her flight and my nerves begin to kick in to overdrive. As the minutes tick by while the passengers disembark the aircraft and make their way across the tarmac, through to the terminal my fingers drum against my legs anxiously. My entire body feels electrified and I can't possibly even think about sitting still.

I wait off to the side as people begin to flood through the double doors, some reuniting with their friends and family. My eyes eagerly scan the crowd that is making their way through the door and then I see her. The huge smile on her face is nothing short of infectious and my own smile widens as our eyes meet from across the room. The moment I lay eyes on her it's likes every other person in the room just fades away. It's just me and my girl. I can't help but think that this is the way I would like the rest of my life to be.

Ruby makes her way towards me, dropping her backpack to the floor with a thud as she gets closer. I rush into her arms and she grabs me up, holding me tight against her. The warmth of her face pressed into my neck and the smell of her skin floods my senses and it is the best feeling in the world. I feel completely enveloped by her and I wouldn't want it any other way.

As she sets me back on my feet her hands cup my face as we grin at one another. "Fuck I missed you" I whisper as I grasp her face and pull her lips to mine, eager to taste her. One kiss is simply not enough and I find myself pulling her back in for another and then another, the two of us kissing until we are damn near breathless. Ruby rests her forehead against mine as she closes her eyes, content with holding me in her arms. The place I feel like I belong.

"I love you Maya" Ruby smiles as she curls her finger beneath my chin, tilting my head up to meet her eyes as she pulls back to gauge my reaction.

My smile only widens even further at her declaration and I don't even have to think before the words "I love you too" leave my lips. Her lips press against mine once more and it's as though I can actually feel her love for me through her kiss. It fills my body with an undeniable warmth that settles right in my heart. The butterflies in my stomach continue to flap around like mad, only adding to the plethora of feelings coursing through me in this moment.

We walk hand in hand to the baggage area as we wait for her suitcase, all the while the two of us are grinning like mad. "How was the flight?" I ask.

"It was okay. Long... I had a lot to look forward to at the other end, so it seemed to take forever" Ruby laughed.

Collecting her luggage we headed out to my car and I drove us back to my place. We chatted on the way, catching up on anything we hadn't already talked about over the phone recently. Pulling up to my house I park the car in the garage and shut off the engine. Helping Ruby with her bags I lead the way to the door.

"Home sweet home" I smile as I open the door and wander in, tossing my keys on a side table. "Shall I give you the grand tour?"

"Maybe later? Right now... I got something else in mind" Ruby smiles wickedly as she advances on me, pushing me back against the wall. Her lips are on my neck in an instant, and the moans that escape my lips are beyond sinful.

"Ohh... fuck I missed your lips" I mumble.

"Just my lips?" She teased.

"Everything... I missed fucking every little thing about you" I smile as I kiss her deeply and passionately.

"I missed you too Baby. More than I have ever missed someone in my whole life. I wish I didn't ever have to be away from you".

"Lets make the most of this then shall we?" I smile as I hurriedly remove her shirt. God I missed this. My eyes roam over her naked torso and all the beautiful tattoos that grace her tanned skin. I still cannot believe that this beautiful awoman... this woman of absolute perfection is mine.

Ruby removes my shirt and tosses it aside, her hands instantly roaming over every inch of my porcelain skin. Turning me around she pulls my body flush against hers so much back is pressed against her. Her hands slide down my stomach until she reaches the button on my pants, undoing it with ease.

I can feel the warmth of her lips against my neck and shoulders as she trails soft, wet kisses along my skin. Her hand slowly ventures beneath the fabric of my pants and slips inside my underwear. I secretly thank god that I didn't wear tight jeans today as her fingers effortlessly find my clit. She begins to massage it gently and the feeling already has my knees wanting to buckle beneath me.

Ruby holds me tight against her as her fingers work their magic on my body. The feel of her lips on me and the delightful rhythm of her hand has me nearing orgasm within minutes.

"Come for me Maya" she whispers in my ear and her words are my undoing. My body spasms almost violently as my orgasm hits me like a jolt of electricity coursing through my body. The pleasure is so intense I can barely stay on my feet and I slump against her as she holds me up.

"God I love you Roobs" I smile as I turn to capture her lips. "C'mon..." I say as I grab her hand and lead her down to my bedroom. I am far from done with my girl.

Sorry for the wait. Been a hectic week. I hope you enjoyed this chapter
Much love

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