Los Angeles

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I wake to the sound of the intercom announcement that the plane will be landing in LA soon and a huge grin spreads across my face. It feels like the hundreds of butterflies that have been fluttering quietly in my stomach have suddenly kicked into over drive. Not long now and I get to see my beautiful girlfriend. I get to hold her in my arms and kiss her like I so desperately want to. Like I so desperately need to.

It feels like forever before the plane finally touches down, and even longer for all the people in front of me to hurry up and disembark the aircraft. I'm so anxious to see Ruby that my entire body is just buzzing.

When I finally make it off the plane I start to make my way through the terminal corridors as I follow the signs towards the baggage claim area. I weave through the crowds of people who are walking far too slow for my liking. If I were going any quicker I would be running.

Arriving at a customs area I have to go through scans to make sure I am not bringing in anything illegal. The woman checking me over asks a bunch of questions and when she is satisfied I am free to go. I continue on my journey, following the signs and I finally make my way to baggage claim. I look around the room as I enter, eager to see my girls beautiful face.

"Maya!" I hear through the crowd and I turn in the direction of Ruby's voice to see her hurriedly heading towards me. Not a thing in the world could stop me from breaking into a run right now as I move past people waiting for their bags. As I get within arms reach of my girl I drop my backpack to the floor and leap into her arms. My legs wrap around her waist and my arms around her neck as she holds me tight against her.

I breathe her in and allow the smell of her to flood my senses. Leaning back I look into her beautiful eyes and my smile widens even more. There is not a single world that could accurately describe how happy I feel in this moment, so I opt for actions instead. I capture her lips in a desperate and passionate kiss, marvelling in the feel of her, the taste of her. My hands grasp her perfect face as we kiss again and again. Neither of us able to get enough of one another.

Finally we break apart as we start to become breathless, and Ruby sets me back down on my feet. "God I missed you so much Maya".

"I missed you too Roobs. I can't believe I am finally here".

"Neither can I. This is awesome".

The drive to Ruby's place feels like it takes no time at all. I hold my girls hand the entire time as I stare out the car window at the city around me. When we arrive, the two of us carry my bags inside.

"How about a tour?" Ruby smiles.

"How about you kiss me again instead" I grin.

"Done!" She laughs as she pulls me close and presses her lips to mine. "I'm so glad you're here Baby".

"There is no where else in the world I'd rather be".

L.A starts to feel like home in no time, but then again I had no doubts that it would. As long as I got my girl by my side, I would go anywhere in the world. After a couple weeks of arriving, Ruby comes home from filming one night to tell me that their set and prop designer from the Batwoman show is looking for another person to join their team. And of course she bragged to the guy about how amazing I was, not forgetting to mention that I did some work on The Hobbit trilogy back in New Zealand. She was so excited to tell me that the guy wanted me to come by the next day, and needless to say I was over the fucking moon!

I might get to be a part of something incredible! A TV show about the first openly lesbian Superhero, this is ground-breaking stuff! Not to mention the fact that I would get to see Ruby a little through out the day, and let's face it. There was absolutely no such thing as too much of my girl.

I arrive on set with Ruby the following day and she introduces me to Sam Dawson, head of Prop and Set design. She gives me a quick kiss goodbye and leaves me with Sam as she heads off to get ready for the days filming.

"So Ruby had a lot of good things to say about you" Sam smiled.

"Well... she's my girlfriend so she might be a little biased" I laugh.

"You were at Weta Workshop back in New Zealand?".

"Yeah, I got a job there, fresh out of high school and worked there for almost ten years".

"And you were involved in the Hobbit movies?"

"Yeah I was, a bunch of other films and things too. I brought along a portfolio of some of my work" I tell him as I hand over a folder.

He flicks through the pages, carefully examining the concept sketches I had done as well as photos of the finished product. "This is some really good work".

"Thank you" I blush.

"I think you would be a fantastic addition to our team".


"Absolutely. The job is yours if you want it. I can get HR to draw up a contract right now while I give you a bit of a tour and introduce you to the rest of the team if you like?"

"That sounds great. Thanks so much!" I grin, absolutely ecstatic with the outcome of this meeting. Sam shows me around the set, and the work space for his team where I meet the others I will be working with. Jake, Amanda and Mike. They all seem pretty cool, and the stuff they are working on is amazing. I can't wait to be a part of all of this!

Once Sam has finished showing me around, we go over the contract and I sign my name on the dotted line. I officially start tomorrow and I cannot wait! Ruby is busy filming so I catch a cab back to our place. I'm so excited to tell my girl the good news. I send her a quick text saying that the meeting with Sam went well and I'll see her when she gets home. Time to plan a special, celebratory dinner.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
Much love.

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