Chapter 4

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I glanced around the room, Jessica exiting through the doors now the training session had finished.

I did as promised and I didn't force myself into any sparring matches, even if they would have been fun. Although I'm sure if I'd tried to put myself forward, Quentin would have said something, never mind Lucas.

Rummaging a hand to the side of me into my bag, I pulled out my phone. Heart sinking even further when I see multiple missed calls and text messages from Jake. I quickly bypass them, refusing to read them because I already knew what he would be saying. He and June are too similar.

I quickly throw my phone back into the bag, standing up and grabbing my bag from the ground.

I take my time switching out of my workout gear once I'm in the changing room, hoping that by the time I'm done that everyone else will have left. So I wasn't expecting to see Gale loitering outside when I exited, his head snapping up the minute I opened the door.

"You're still here?" I hope I come off more surprised than just plain rude, biting my lip, trying to stop the grimace appearing on my lips. He briefly nodded, stepping ever so closer to me.

"I never got an answer before, I mean, the offer still stands." Eyebrows raised, I quickly tried to think of as many excuses as possible.

I'm not sure when in society we changed our tactics, was there a point in time when it was more socially acceptable to just say 'Nope, not for me.'

It would certainly be less confusing, wouldn't it? You'd know where you stand.

Life would be so much simpler if we just didn't feel as much as we did because it's guilt or being afraid to make him feel bad that makes me try to form an excuse rather than just being honest.

"I would love to, it's just. I'm supposed to be helping Lucas tonight with stuff."


"Gym things?" I clarify, he looks behind me for a moment and I can see he doesn't really believe me. Or maybe he does, I'm not great at reading people enough as it is.

"He works here, you don't." A half laugh behind his words when he looks back at me, stepping a small step towards me. "I'm sure he could let you have the night off, you could do with a break."

"I don't need a break Gale, honestly, I'm good. I said I'd help him," He raises his hands as if you stop me saying anything more and cuts me off.

"Fine. That's fine." He says, stepping back and throwing his hands into his jacket pockets. "Another time."

He smiles at me, and I had to admit, even though he was a little forward, he had a nice smile.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." I almost kick myself, knowing I only said those words because I was urging him to leave and maybe because he had the kind of face that you could never quite just turn down.

Either way, I can't help myself groaning in annoyance the minute he exits out of the door after giving me a quick glance back.

Why am I so stupid?

Maybe he'll forget about it, no ones ever interested in me. This is a fleeting moment and he'll forget it because he could have anyone and clearly, he's just bored if he's asking me.

"You? Helping me? That would be a first." I rolled my eyes as I heard his voice.

"Can you not be a smartass?" I turned around to face Lucas with a raised eyebrow. He only shrugged before walking back into the room holding the door open for me.

"Nah, it's hardwired now."

"I assumed so." I send a small smile up at him walking through, quickly moving to set out some equipment for the next session. I was laying out the ladder on the floor when I heard Lucas shout from the other side of the room.

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