Chapter 17

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I fumbled with the medal around my neck, smiling at it looking up when Lucas grabbed it also. His thumb ran along the front of it.

He dropped it, letting it fall back down before he leant down, throwing an arm around my shoulder and pulling me forward into his side as we walked out of the changing room.

"Do you want to watch any of the other matches'" He spoke right into my ear, letting it remain there as we walked ahead so all I could really focus on was the feeling of his lips briefly making contact with my earlobe as we moved through the crowd.

My voice clogged, having to clear it before I responded with a no.

He was so unbelievably close, I could smell even the slightness of the cologne he had on. The breaths released from his nose tickling the skin there. Now that I wasn't concentrating on the match, it was all I could think about.

Except for maybe those eyes over Tiana's shoulder. It was becoming more frequent, and I was jolting my eyes everywhere in my vision in case he was still here.

"Do you think it could be someone Quinn sent?"

"What?" He tightened his grip on my shoulder, almost pausing as he opened the door to outside.

"The guy I keep seeing."

His hand reached up and ran it over his face slowly, sighing heavily.

"I didn't even think of that." His voice became distant, worry evident in his features.

I paused, "I mean... did you sort out that thing?" I said carefully, I wasn't even sure I wanted to mention the actual word in his presence. It still didn't quite fit with him.

"Yeah, I managed to find the guy..." He spoke distantly, nibbling on his bottom lip in nerves, something he does a lot when he thinks too much.

"Then they really don't have a reason I guess?" But I kind of hope it's them, because if it's not, then I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be more scared or not.

I know I'm not crazy. I know for certain that I'm seeing him, and I don't recognise him. So why was he watching me? And why wasn't he coming any closer to me?

"No, they don't. Also, I thought you said you saw him way before Quinn?"

"I thought I did." I was sure I had, but I didn't want to worry myself anymore and Lucas either. This was supposed to be a good day, a celebration.

He'd never seen him, no one had seen him, he was always already gone by the time anyone else could be alerted. The whole thing completely unnerved me and going to a pub right now, was not exactly what I felt comfortable doing.

But Quentin had already texted the pub meet up and I didn't want to disappoint.

He reached out to me with his hand, interlocking our fingers to continue our journey back through the busy tubes and to where we would meet Quentin.

I think I was making people around me uncomfortable just by the serious expression I knew I rested with as I surveyed every person, ready to sprint if I spotted him. My nerves were fried by the time we re-surfaced and got away from the hordes of people down in the underground.

So many faces to scan and even with Lucas' hand tightening every so often, it didn't do much to settle my nerves when there was a good chance, he could be watching me without me even knowing it.

The station we surfaced at was much quieter, there were still people walking around us but not enough that the faces started to mingle together. I could individually analyse each person's expression.

Lucas released his hand from mine, pulling his phone out of his pocket when it started ringing that tune, my eyes flitting over without even thinking. Primarily out of curiosity and something to keep my mind off of watching the people around me.

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