Get your party on

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  • Dedicated to Samantha Hau

Chapter 2

"Here," Katie said handing me a drink. I could feel my dinner rising in my throat just by the smell of the alcohol.

"Katie, you've known me since Junior High. You should've picked up by now that I don't drink beer," I sighed; I like to keep sober that way I don't wake up with regrets.

"Please Taliah, just once," she pleaded; I shook my head firmly. "Oh c'mon, live a little." 

She has gotten really good at convicing people to do things they didn't want to, which is why I took the red plastic cup and chugged it down in one gulp.

*Harry’s P.O.V*

“Hey man what's up?” I said high fiving my best friend Jason.

“Yo, got your eye on anyone tonight?” he smirked raising his eyebrows. He knew me too well, of course I had my eye on someone.

“I think I’ll try Taliah tonight,” I said looking towards the cute blond and her friend Katie.

“Bro, really? Didn’t you say you didn’t like her anymore,” Jason mumbled. “She always stays sober anyway, how the heck are you gonna get her?” he asked sipping beer from the bottle.

“With pure charm,” I smiled passing him my bottle and making my way over her.

*Taliah’s P.O.V*

“Katie, don’t leave my side in case I, you know get woozy,” I said feeling a tiny bit dizzy.

“Trust me Liah I won’t,” she said taking a sip from her own drink.

“So, you ladies having fun?” said a deep voice, it belonged to the one and only Harry Knight.

“Oh m-my gosh, um hey. I don’t believe we’ve met,” I stuttered at first but then finding my confidence, I looked at him like he was poor.

“Sass, I like it,” he smirked.

“I’m just going to get a drink,” Katie said not realising she had one in her hand, she quickly left leaving me alone not even bothering to answer my worried glance.

“Taliah, I don’t like talking to strangers so your name would be?” I said finding my inner charm.

“Harry, you’ve never heard of me?” he asked like he was concerned that I had no idea who he was, even though I did. I mean, I am upper class, where everyone knows anyone who’s a somebody.

“Heard of you, sure but met you no,” I stated adding a hint of boredem to it. 

“Do you want to go outside?” he asked, typical, all the guys make their move there instead of in the crowded living room.

“Not particularly,” I said testing how far he’d go.

“It’s quite nice out there, breeze blowing, stars shining, there’s even a pool,” he said using the romantic side of his charm.

I wanted to see if he could think harder I mean I’m not that easy I may be a player but I’m cunning when I want to be so I said, “I don’t have togs,” very flatly.

He took a deep breath like he regretted walking over to me, “it’s a bit stuffy don’t you think?”

So now he was including wow going back to the old tricks eh, well two can play this game, “yeah I guess we could go outside to cool off.”

He led me outside into the backyard and sure enough the breeze was blowing, the stars were shining and there even was a pool so he must’ve chatted up a lot of girls at this house. Just to finish it off so I could play him, I said, “It’s a bit cold,” and I even rubbed my arms like I was actually cold.

“Oh here,” he said handing me his Letterman jacket; yeah he was in the football team, he even put it around me shoulders.

“Thanks,” I said happy with what I just did. “Doesn’t that mean I’m your girlfriend?”

“W-what?” he exclaimed, I had caught him completely off guard, boy he was easy, looked tough but was easy as.

*Harry’s P.O.V*

What did I just do? I just gave Taliah James my jacket, wait it wasn’t my Letterman jacket was it, I looked at the red and white jacket draped on her shoulders, and sure enough there was a capital K on it with my number 7 on the sleeve. It was school tradition and if I took it back then it would break her fragile heart, I’d had to comfort five crying girls after I dumped them so I would know.

“Yeah Taliah, I guess I’m your boyfriend now,” I flashed my most seducing smile at her.

She giggled, cheeks flushed a tinge of scarlet, “Ohh Harry!” she said sweetly, and boy was she under my spell.

*Taliah’s P.O.V*

“Yeah Taliah, I guess I’m your boyfriend now,” Harry said flashing a stupid grin I’ve seen him use on many other girls so like I said two can play this game so I flirtatiously giggled saying “Ohh Harry.”

He grinned like he was happy with the outcome, boy was he under my spell, I thought cunningly.


dedicated to Samantha coz shes awesome!!!!! :) ily Pantha

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