Hope & Lust

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Chapter 11

*Taliah's P.O.V*

I woke up with stiff muscles and a numb sensation, I felt like I hadn't moved in ages. I carefully touched my face, feeling stitches and gently flinching when I touched a scab or bruise. My eyes darted around, observing my surroundings. I noticed a drip and a beeping monitor next to me, wait no! Something’s defiantly not right. I would’ve thought the air bags saved me, I mean us. Wait, Jai!

"Is Jai okay?" I accidently called out.

"I believe he is doing fine," said an approaching figure.

*Jai's P.O.V*

Too many nurses and doctors have walked past me, not even giving me a word on how Taliah's doing. I lost count of how many hours have passed since I saw her beautiful face. A week has passed since I was next to her, I don’t think she has woken up. Her parents sit patiently next to my sister; I wonder how they can bear this. Their own daughter is in a coma and her dad keeps answering his business calls. Imagine them being my dad, and if I was the one in the coma. I bet he wouldn't come, he'd just send over one of his assistants. It doesn't matter anyway, Taliah's the one in a coma not me and the worst thing is, and it’s my entire fault. I mean how could this happen? 

*Taliah's P.O.V*

“Hi, Miss James, I’m Doctor Sullivan. You have been in a coma for almost two weeks. You and Jarod Henley were in a car crash; you took most of the impact so Mr Henley was very lucky and had just gotten some minor injuries. We will have to keep you here for another week for tests just to make sure you’ll okay. Would you like me to get your family?” he asked me, he was a short man in a white coat.

“No,” I quickly said, I didn’t even tell mum and dad I went on a holiday. This was going to be bad, and I just didn’t want to hear them rant right now. “Please send in Jarod Henley.”

“Very well, one second,” he said walking out.

*Jai’s P.O.V*

“Taliah,” was all I said. I came in and sat down in a chair next to her bed, I saw Taliah struggling to sit up so I shook my head telling her not to bother.

“Taliah,” he said softly, a tear drop ran down his face, I could see the hope and loss in his eyes.

“I thought I lost you,” I whispered, I couldn’t believe she was there before my very own eyes. Once I started crying I couldn’t stop, I started to sob in my sleeve. Her hand gently touched mine and I looked up.

“I’m so sorry, it was my fault. If I had—.”

She cut me off, “Jai, no stop!” she said it so softly but so demanding at the same time.

“You can’t blame yourself for what happened. What happened, happened but all that matters now is that I’m here, and I’m well. I’m sorry we had to go through this but please it’s not your fault.”

As she said that last sentence I felt a dark cloud above me suddenly disappear, like a burden had just been lifted off my chest and now I could breathe. I felt like I was dying inside but slowly I was regaining the energy and will to live. Just hearing her sweet voice made me dizzy with emotion.

I leaned in and gave her a soft kiss on the lips, “you know I didn’t mean to leave.”

“And I didn’t mean to tell you to go,” she whispered back. The lust between us was so strong I could feel it tingling inside me.

I gave her another kiss only to be interrupted by a cough. I reluctantly pulled away to see Mr and Mrs James standing there awkwardly.

“I’m sorry sir and mam,” I nodded towards them, slowly walking out giving Taliah one last smile. I didn’t want to leave, I wanted to stay by her side forever, and I didn’t want to lose her. But I knew I had to give her some space and privacy.

*Taliah’s P.O.V*

As Jai walked out my heart panged of desire for him, “mum, dad.”

They walked forward, “I’m so sorry I left and not telling you and I’ll—.”

Don’t be,” my mum said taking my hand and kissing it. “I know you should’ve told me but it’s okay at east you took someone like Jai that we trust with you. We thought you were gone, but now you’re okay!” She started to tear up trying not to burst out but knowing my mum soon enough she did. She sat down and dad and I patted her comforting her.

“Dad,” I said, he looked up at me ready for me to sa something.

“I think I want to be Jai,” I said smiling.

“Darling, we know we could see it, I’m so happy the old Taliah’s back. Thank God!” he said looking upwards as if he was looking up at God himself.

“SO you don’t mind if I did get married to him after all?” I asked nervously, when Jai first proposed my parents rejected me saying wait until you’re eighteen.

“Yes, you have our blessing but first you must turn seventeen, go live your life before you settle down dear,” mum said between sobs.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I practically shrieked.

“But hun, remember he has to propose first,” my dad joked.

From the outside I heard a voice, “You this wall isn’t soundproof.”

I could feel Jai smirking at what he just heard.

Katie rushed in, “I better be the bridesmaid!”

I laughed, it was the first in a while, “you bet!”

“NO! You can’t start planning it now, let daddy’s little girl be his little girl for another year at least,” at first I thought my dad was joking but the look on face told me otherwise.

“Aww is your little girl growing up too fast,” mum joked.

“No, you are not allowed to mention the g word!” this time he was joking.

“You mean growing?” I joked along with him.

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