Facing the Enemy

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Chapter 12

*Taliah’s P.OV*

As I stepped into the school corridor, everything, and everyone was silenced. But I ignored everyone completely; it simply didn’t matter since Jai was right by my side.

“You know hun; you really don’t have to face everyone now. Like I’m sure everyone will be okay if you skip a week…or so,” he whispered in my ear, causing more confused and hatred stares. I mean having one of the hottest and richest guys in a famous school that has his hand around your waist can make a lot of teenage girls jealous.

“Hey Taliah,” a random girl said coming up to me. “Can we have a talk in private?”

“Uhm, sure,” I said smiling, I had no idea what she wanted so when Jai left I was surprised. The sweet polite blonde in front of me suddenly scowled.

“Stay away from Jai. He doesn’t love you; he’s just doing it for the money. So there’s no point trying to be the perfect couple.”

“Wow, someone had their b*tch flakes this morning,” I smirked, some say you need to be professional handling these type of problems but I like  to just have some fun. “Excuse me bimbo, but I have to get back to my boyfriend who doesn’t love me,” I emphasised sarcasm in the ‘doesn’t love me’.

“You don’t know him like I do,” she retorted.

“And how do you know him?” I laughed.

“We dated for the six months that he left you, he said he loved me. Did he tell you he loved you?” blonde bimbo had a point Jai had said he loved me but not since he left. “Okay you might think I’m a total bimbo but I’m just saying he didn’t say the L word, did he?”

That’s when I walked off; I guess that was the first time I had cried, not because I was sad but because I was happy. He told that blonde girl that he loved her after six months of dating. I’m so glad that he hasn’t said it because that’s how I know for sure that I won’t end up like that white trash. I won’t be like another one of those girls he regretted dating. Our relationship will last. Don’t judge people by the past because I’m pretty sure no one lives there anymore.

“You okay babe?” Jai asked me when I returned to him. I had gone to the bathroom and put some concealer on to try and hide my puffy eyes but I guess Jai knows me to well to be tricked.

“Yeah, just fine,” I sighed, everything was just fine.

“You, talk, explain what the hell is going on,” a recognisable deep voice said behind me, I slowly turned around to find me facing Harry.

“Harry, let me talk. This is Jai, my boyfriend,” I said smiling that’s when I took his hand and walked off.

“What was that?” Jai whispered in my ear.

“I’m sorry, now you’re stuck with me,” I joked.

“I wouldn’t be pleased to be stuck with anyone other than you,” we stopped halfway down the hallway, he dipped me and as he gazed in my eyes he kissed me.

I couldn’t mistake the sparks flying everywhere.

*Harry’s P.O.V*

“How did I lose her?” I asked Florence.

“Uhm I don’t know, maybe you cheated on her,” she replied full of sarcasm.

“Well that was our… Don’t worry,” I mumbled.

*Florence’s P.O.V*

Harry seemed more nervous this time we sneaked out; we were sitting at coffee shop in the furthest and private booth.

Could it be? That Harry loved her, well there’s a lot to love except for the fact that she loves Jai. I love Taliah I really do she is my best friend but come on naive and annoying is not a good look on her.

I mean how could someone like Harry like someone like Taliah?

Something doesn’t quite add up especially since I was pretty sure Taliah and Harry were going out before her and Jai. Now this has got me curious.

I decided it was too risky to ask so I got my phone out and called Katie.

*Taliah’s P.O.V*

We were in cheerleading practise; today was sunny so we were outside by the football field. Katie got a phone call so she left leaving me with the rest of the team.

“Break time! We can’t exactly do the routine without Katie, be back in ten,” Ella called out.

“Hey Ella,” we had gotten way more close and I found out she wasn’t that mean after all. She has pretty much replaced the absents of Florence.

“So Harry’s sneaked out again with Florence, luckily Florence does floor stunts,” she smirked.

“Wait, how do you know?” I asked I thought they kept it secretive.

“Uhm Liah, they had made it official at the big game after party, ages ago,” Ella explained.

“What?” I just couldn’t believe it. If there was a worst cheater award Harry would get it.

“Okay everyone back to your positions,” Ella announced seeing as Katie was back.

“Who called you?” I muttered to her.

“Just…my mum,” she said, she sounded hesitant, how could that be? Katie told me everything. I guess that escalated quickly, just after one and a half months.

“Oh okay,” I said before she could get suspicious.

*Jai’s P.O.V*

Taliah seemed jumpy and agitated a bit more than usual on the car ride home.

“Do you want me to walk you to your door?” I asked trying to be polite.

“Yes please,” she answered when does Taliah’s business voice just come out of the blue?

I got out trying not to seem disbelieving; as I led her to the door she gave me a sheepish smile. Since when do I just get a shy smile from Taliah? Something was wrong and I was going to find out what.

“Can I stay over for a bit, my dad’s blowing some steam because of the accident still,” I explained.

“Sure,” she looked relived as I took the elevator with her.

There was an awkward silence as I reached to her door.

She fumbled trying to get her key out, I instantly helped her.

As I walked inside taking a seat on her cream couch, she looked like she was going to burst out crying.

“Hey,” I got up and gave her a hug. “Are you okay?”

She just started sobbing hard out, I carried her bridal style to the couch, and she cuddled closer to me.

“T-they said t-that I m-might have side e-effects” she said stuttering.

“What?” I asked why was I unaware of this. I told the doctors that if anything happened they must inform me.

“Depression, I m-might have it because of the s-shock,” she replied.

I stared out into space not soaking in what I just heard. What? My mind was buzzing filled with endless possibilities.


OMG taliah might have depression!! Who knew ;) haha remeber vote comment fan yah know what to do!!! :) Dedicatin to AubreyEatsHearts, love your book late summer rain :)

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