Back to School

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Chapter 10

*Mr Henley's P.O.V*

Chapter 10

I stared down at Jarod, has he always felt like what Ella had said. I thought it was different. I thought he didn't care about Taliah, did he really still love him like all the gossip magazines say. I was still angry of course of but it soon disappeared after I knew he was hurting and I couldn't blame him for this.

"I'm so sorry," I said, I really tried to show emotion but I just couldn't. My own dad had made sure of that. He raised me like I was raising Jarod, and I wasn't okay with it anymore. I walked out into the silent waiting room, I could feel the sadness and loss of hope and distraught from all the relatives and friends of patients.

*Jai's P.O.V*

"It's okay dad, you didn't know" I asked I tried to breathe this time.

"No it's not okay, you still love her," he said sitting down on the chair Ella was sitting on before.

"What can I say? You finally realised," I sighed, I tried to sit up but my dad gave me look that made me lie back down.

"I can't believe the papers knew before me, is that the real reason you came?" he asked.

"Yes," I said, he wasn't supposed to find out now, he was supposed to find out in exactly one month when she turns 17, but I guess everything went wrong when we crashed.

I stayed in her room for the whole weekend, I would visit her every chance I could.

But the next day was Monday, and I had to go to school. Even though my dad had become softer towards me didn't mean he was willing to put my education on the line.

I could feel glares burning a hole through my head as I walked down the hallways towards my home room. But I changed direction making my way to the bathroom. I glanced at my reflection, I had one stich down my jaw line, it made me look tough but I felt so vulnerable especially without Taliah by my side. I sighed taking a deep breathe and I walked into class just as the bell rang.

Luckily I endured the most nerve racking and dull day ever, as soon as the last bell rang I was out of there. I got into my car and drove Ella and I to the hospital wanting to make the most of my much awaited visit.

After school Katie came.

"Oh my god! Taliah," she said walking into the room, not even noticing me sitting in the chair next to her.

She pulled up the chair next to me and sat down; I was holding Taliah's hand. I would kiss it every few hours trying to see if she'd wake up.

"What are you even doing here Jai?" Katie simply inquired. "You shouldn't be here; you left her when she needed you so why are you here?"

I was stunned, is this how Taliah really felt? Was this why she went out with Harry? Questions filled my mind, I loosely let go of her hand.

"Leave Henley, she doesn't need you here," Katie said sternly. "It's your entire fault, you've done enough."

I got up and left the room, I couldn't help my eyes watering.

As I sat down in the hallway waiting chairs Ella walked towards me.

"Jai, what's up?" Ella asked, we were twins so she always knew what I felt.

"What happened? You know after I left," I asked her, she sighed and sat down next to me.

"She changed, but I think you realise that now," she sounded like it was a tricky topic to explain. "She would go out with countless of guys; you wouldn't see her hanging out with Katie much. Then after a month they got into a huge fight, their parents got into a big public fight with their companies."

"Wait, how come I didn't hear about this?" I asked feeling like I was living in a basement for a year.

"Because dad made sure you didn't hear about this," she explained. That's why I always got calls from him checking in on me. "Anyway, the conflict ended soon enough and Taliah was caught by paparazzi sneaking off to non-business parties and drinking.

They had a front page story of her coming home drunk and J productions business came crashing down. The change was so quick that they had to take immediate action. They made Taliah have a public appearance; she had a breakdown as soon as they questioned her about you.

They said she was unstable since you left and then again she made the front page in New York Times. She was ashamed then dad offered to sponsor the company and soon enough their business came back eventually making more money than ever. I guess they give more sympathy to a company with an unstable daughter," she came to a stop. "Then you came."

"Wow," was all I could say apart from that I was speechless; I had really put her through a lot. They were all right, Katie, Dad. It really was my entire fault.

I went back into Taliah's room to find Katie sobbing, "Katie can I please have a moment with Taliah, please?" I said softly.

She sighed, "Let me guess Ella told you?"

I nodded my head; she just wiped her tears away and walked out.

I sat down in a seat, "I don't know if you can hear me, but here goes, I'm really sorry. For all I put you through. I'm really am sorry." I took her hand giving it a kiss. As I stared at her perfect face, even though it was scarred and covered with stitches she looked beautiful in my eyes. Her eyelashes moved, her eye lids fluttering.

"Nurse!" I called out in the hallway, "doctor!"


A/N: hey guys did you like it?? Please comment and vote and fan I will be updating at least 2 times tomorrow so yeah plz wait :) 

Thanks ~bella~ xoxo

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