Selfish sick bastard

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Chapter 9

*Jai’s P.O.V*

“Dad,” I said into my iPhone, “she’s defiantly moved on, what’s our next step?”

“Get the paparazzi, now, we need that interview,” he answered.

“Okay,” I hung up then texting my agents saying get paparazzi at Miami Beach pronto.

*Taliah’s P.O.V*

“OH MY GOD!” I said as my agent hang up. She said paparazzi’s here. “Sorry henry I have to go,” I left him running up back to the Bach, collecting my stuff from the beach at the same time.

As I reached the door, Jai instantly grabbed my arm and planting a kiss on my lips, I wanted to push him away but I just couldn’t. When he pulled away I realised cameras were flashing around us, what was going on?!

He guided me to an SUV, and he got me to get into the front seat.

I made sure the black blinds were down before I slapped Jai.

“What?” he was obviously shocked.

“You’ve got some explaining to do, now drive,” I demanded.

He drove us further and further away from the beach, “What’s going on?” I questioned.

“That was step one, and it worked right this minute your phone has over twenty missed calls from Henry, the internet can really be handy in times of need,” he smirked.

“This is not funny, I though you said you were not going to get involved with our… problem from ages ago,” I nearly shouted.

“Sorry, I lied,” he sighed, his head hung with disappointment.

“It’s okay, you could’ve at least warned me,” I said smiling at him.

“He stared into my eyes, for a second I thought he was going to kiss me but then he forced himself to look back at the road, “I thought you wouldn’t let me do it if I said, I’m so sorry—.”

“I know, and it’s okay,” I focussed my eyes ahead of me trying not to steal a glance at Jai’s face.

To distract myself I got my phone out and sure enough it said I had twenty five missed calls and over fifty messages. I checked the ones from my mum and dad they were all like you better get back home, or like you could’ve told us you were going on holiday. I decided to reply to one of them saying I thought you knew, and then I quickly turned off my phone not wanting to read any more of this crap.

“Hey, are you okay?” Jai asked you could not mistake the worry in his voice even though he wasn’t looking at me.

There it was, the question seemed to haunt me now, and I didn’t know why.

I observed him until he tore his eyes away from the road; he copied my glare and returned it to. He moved in and kissed me softly then he pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. Tingles ran through my body making me want more. That’s when it happened. I wish I was anywhere but there at that moment.

*Jai’s P.O.V*

I pulled away giving me just enough time to see the approaching truck, it was coming straight for us. Its headlights warned us but there wasn’t enough time, Taliah quickly noticed giving me one last hug. BANG! Echoed in my ears, making them ring. I blacked out.

“If it wasn’t for Taliah and the air bags you wouldn’t be in a stable condition,” the doctor told me.

I just answered with silence; it was my fault, all my fault. If I just kept my eyes on the road this wouldn’t have happened. I wouldn’t be in this hospital bed with Ella sitting in a chair, her head lowered down into hands. Taliah wouldn’t be in a critical condition, or in coma. I would’ve been the one in the hospital bed in the next room, with doctors and nurses surrounding me trying to wake me up. If only I reacted and protected her. There was so much tension in the air I couldn’t breathe anymore. Guilt was suffer catting me, I just couldn’t bear to hear the news about Taliah.

“How could you be so stupid?” my dad had stormed in and shouted at me. I stayed silent, I deserved this, and I was a stupid jerk only caring about myself.

“Jarod, you have crossed the line. You have put—.”

“Dad!” Ella stepped between us. “Stop, he’s still recovering, can’t you just act like a dad for once in your whole bloody life. Your son has done everything to please you, but all you give him is grief. I don’t know how you live with yourself. You are a sick selfish bastard I don’t care if you lose your company if that’s what it takes for us to actually become a family. Don’t you see how hard it is for him and everybody else to find out that Taliah might not wake up, and all you care about is your reputation right now! Show him some sympathy, honestly you don’t deserve to be called dad anymore. You have lost all my respect for you.”

She walked out saying, “sort this out. Now.”


A/N: so what'd yah crash eh?

comment please :) fan please <3

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