Hey there Princey

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Romans Pov:

*lunch time*

"Who is that guy Virgil is talking to?" I ask my best friend Logan.

"That's the new kid, his name is Patton, seems okay I guess. He really likes dad jokes."  Logan said without lifting his head from his book.

"How do you know who he is?"

"He's in my biology class."

"He seems to like Virgil." I commented 

"What are jealous?" Logan joked 

"W-What?! Me jealous of someone  with Virgil? Why would I be jealous?" I stuttered out.

"Roman I have known you a long time and ever since you met Virgil you have tried to hide the fact that you felt some type of way towards him. You have then resorted to bullying him to cover it up." 

My jaw hit the floor, what could have made Logan think all of this? I don't-can't have feelings for Virgil. I'm the jock and he's well the outcast. I know it sounds like a Disney plot but this is real life not some story! Virgil is the embodiment of a dark and stormy knight. I sigh and look over at him again. This Patton kid seems to be getting along with him, at least from a glance. Did Virgil just laugh? I don't think I've ever seen him do that before. I wonder what his laugh sounds like? Is it that deep laugh that makes you do a double take to see who it came from? I trail off in my thoughts when-

"Roman!" Logan snapped me back to reality.

"What? Sorry I guess I spaced out."

"The bell rang it's time for class."

I nod and grab my bag. "What room is your next class?"

"2B, yours?"


We start walking to our math  class. I noticed Virgil and Patton start walking together. Maybe they have the same class? Maybe Virgil is showing him where it is? Then I noticed they were walking the same direction we were. Could we all four have a class together? Logan and I make it to class and sure enough Virgil and Patton are behind us. 

Virgil sees me staring. "Hey there Princy." He smirks at me.

"What do you want Surly Temple?"

"Just to get passed your ego and sit down."

I roll my eyes and let him pass. Him and Patton sit next to each other and Logan and I sit a seat ahead of them.  Our teacher is Prof. Joan, they asked us to say prof instead of mr/mrs and no one had an issue with it. Honestly Prof. Joan was one of my favorite teachers. They are super laid back and for a math teacher, they're pretty cool. 

Class dragged on when the bell finally rang. All of us jumped from our seats. I made my way to the hall and wait for Logan. Virgil is out before everyone else is, that's a first he usually waits till everyone leaves.

"In a hurry sunshine?" I joked. He had his ear buds in so  he wouldn't hear the noise of the  school. I wonder what he's listening to? Probably something 'dark and edgy' The volume is so loud I actually hear a couple lines.

If I were you I'd put that away
See, you're just wasted
And thinking 'bout the past again
Darling, you'll be okay

And she said,

"If you were me, you'd do the same
'Cause I can't take anymore
I'll draw the shades and close the door
Everything's not alright and I would rather..."

I've never heard that song before, from what I heard it didn't sound like a bad song. Maybe I can google it later. Logan finally made it out of the classroom and he was talking to Patton. 

"We have the same glasses!" Patton pointed out.

"Yes it would appear we do. I guess you do have some sense on style."

"So do you know why Virgil seems so isolated?"

"Honestly I can't I don't know him that well. If I were to guess it's because of the bullying he's received since we were kids."

"Why didn't you ever try and get to know him?"

"I did, he didn't seem too keen on the idea so I let him be."

Patton frowned. I guess he didn't like that answer. I looked down. Why is Logan suddenly bringing up Virgil being bullied? I haven't been bullying him have I? No I'm sure he knows it's nothing personal, just harmless teasing. I shake my head. Why would it matter what he saw it as, it's not like he's harming himself over it. Is he? The question left a sour taste in my mouth. What if he was? I suddenly felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I leaned over the toilet heaving, nothing came up. I sat back and wiped my mouth. I hear the door swing open, someone else was in here. I keep quiet, trying not to draw attention to myself. I see the other person's shoes, dark purple converse. Virgil? He's the only one I know that wears that much purple. I hear whimpering. Is he crying? 

"Okay Virge just calm down. You're okay, breathe." I hear him talking to himself.

"It's just a panic attack, you have one every day. Maybe if I just- No! I can't I've been clean for three months! I can't open that can of worms again."

What does he mean three months clean? Does he do drugs? Alcoholic? No he doesn't do any of that, I mean we all sneak some of dad's whiskey every now and then, what teenager doesn't? Still I can't help but wonder what it is. I look at my phone, shit! Last period is almost over I completely ditched it! I try and open my stall door as quiet as I can. *creek*  Fuck!

"Who's there?" Virgil calls out. I stay silent, I don't want him to think I was listening to him. I throw my headphones on and pick a random song hoping he would think I didn't hear anything. I stand by the sink and start washing my hands. Virgil comes out of his stall and his face goes more pale than I thought it could. Wait is that a little red on his cheeks? I take my headphones off after drying my hands. I notice his eyes are puffy.

"You okay?" I ask

"why do you care?" He spits back at me.

"Fair, I just thought maybe you wanted to talk about it?"

"With you? Why?" He raised an eyebrow at me. I felt my cheeks get hot, we've never had a real conversation before. 

"You don't have to, I just thought I'd offer the option." I look at the floor. The bell rings signaling the end of the school day. "Umm,a-anyway I guess I should go. See you around I guess, Virgil." It was weird saying his real name but it also was nice, the way it rolled of my lips. WAIT ROMAN NO!  I shout at myself. I see the look of shock at his name. I run out of the bathroom and to my locker. Holy fuck did that actually happen!? Breathe Roman, breathe. I take a deep breath and grab my books for homework. I walk to my car and start driving home. 

"Ever since you met Virgil you have tried to hide the fact that you felt some type of way towards him." Logan's words echo in my head. Maybe he was right? I mean up until Highschool I was in the closet but now that I'm out why should who I like be something to hide? Even if it is Virgil.

(Okay that chapter took a lot of brainstorming but so far I like what I have planned for this story. I hope you guys are enjoying it too! I'll see you in the next chapter!)

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