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(TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of self harm and anorexia)

Roman's Pov:

I woke up with a massive migraine. Maybe drinking a whole bottle by myself wasn't a good idea. I look over and see Virgil is no longer beside me. Where did he go? I also see Logan and Patton snuggled up together, it was cute. About time my best friend found someone. I get up and head to Patton's bathroom to look for the aspirin he mentioned last night. I get to the door but it's locked. Maybe Virgil is already in there? I knock.

"Just a minute." Virgil groans

"No rush love, think you could bring the aspirin out when you're done?"

"You have a hangover too?" I heard him ask

"I think we all will after last night." I chuckled. Virgil came out of the bathroom with the medicine and some water. His eyes looked puffy, had he been crying? He wasn't wearing his hoodie. I glanced down at his arms. Oh my god! I guess my face said more than my mouth did as Virgil quickly ran and got his hoodie. I walked over to him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. You don't have to tell me why just know that I'm here anytime you need me." I said into his shoulder. He hugged me back.

"I have been hurting myself for several years now Roman. Yes at the time some of it was you...but most of it was me just trying to get a handle on my emotions. I thought that maybe by hurting myself no one else could."

"D-did I really tease you that bad?...." I stuttered

"Yeah....you did but it wasn't just you. It was well everybody. I'm pretty sure before I met Patton, the only person who never teased me was Logan."

"What about my brother or Dee?"

"They did too but their teasing was different. They teased me in a way that friends tease each other. Until you asked me and Patton to sit with you, Logan had never said a word to me."

"I'm so sorry Virgil. I never meant for it to go that way." Virgil kissed the top of my head.

"We're better now and that's what matters." I looked up to see him smiling at me. I pointed over to Patton and Logan and as if he could read my mind we both pulled out our phones and took a picture.

"They are cute together don't you think?" Virgil asked me.

"They are. Now if only Logan will grow a pair and admit it that he likes Patton." I joked

"I already knew Patton liked him. I could see it in our math class how he would always space out and stare at him."

"Does he really?" I asked. Virgil nodded.

"Speaking of school, guess what I found while scrolling through YouTube."

"What?" I asked. Virgil pulled up YouTube on his phone and showed me. Mr. Sanders has a YouTube channel?!

"What does he post?" I asked

"Well he has a couple of songs on there, some short videos and a series he calls Awkward Adventures. Prof. Joan is in a lot of them too. I didn't know they were friends."

"What songs?"

"Well my personal favorite is 'On the Borderline' it's a really good song about the passage of time and how no matter how old you get you can always look back at the past and smile."

I scrolled through Mr. Sanders channel. He's a Disney fan, I knew there was a reason his was one of my favorite teachers. He can do a Stitch impression?! Just then Logan woke up.

"Good morning specks." I called out. He waved his hand towards me to say 'good morning' I saw his face turn red when he realized Patton and him had been cuddling. I also saw a small smile. Patton woke up to Logan moving. We all had a hangover. After everyone was awake we went downstairs to the living room. Patton started making breakfast for us and Virgil helped him. We all had a plate except Virgil, he had gotten himself some water but didn't eat. Maybe he wasn't hungry?

"Virgil are you going to eat?" Logan asked

"I never eat breakfast, makes my stomach hurt." Virgil explained. We all nodded then Patton turned on the TV.

*Time skip brought to you by Logan's tie adjustments*

Logan was focused on his homework and Patton was still watching TV. Virgil had stepped outside to get some air. I decided to follow him out there.

"Hey Sunshine." I smiled as I sat down next to him.

"Got bored inside?" Virgil asked me.

"Yes but I also wanted to spend some alone time with my boyfriend."

Virgil was blushing. I knew he wasn't used to me calling him my boyfriend but I love saying it. I pulled him closer to me. In this moment nothing else mattered.


"Yes love?"

"This may be too soon but, I love you." I pulled him into a kiss. We stayed like that for a good part of five minutes. Only breaking for air.

"I love you too Roman."

((I know this chapter is shorter than the others but the next one will be longer. Take it easy guys, gals and non-binary pals 💕))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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