The Weeknd

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Patton's Pov:

(What a new POV???Who would have thought????)

I was waiting for the other three by Romans car. I was so excited for this weekend! I could finally have friends over! Nothing could make this better. Okay maybe one thing could. I just don't know how to tell him, he doesn't seem to keen on social cues. He also doesn't seem to deal with emotions much. I'm talking about Logan if you couldn't tell. I don't know what it is, just something about him makes me really happy. I see Virgil and Roman walking to the car, are they holding hands!?!?

"Hey guys!" I smile and wave.

"Hey Pat."

"Where's Logan?"

"On his way, he had to get his homework." Roman said rolling his eyes

Just as Roman finished his sentence, Logan came running up.

"Hey Logan!" I was probably a little more excited that I should have. We all piled into Romans car and headed to my house.

*time skip brought to you by Virgil's eyeshadow*

We made it to my house. I was beaming with excitement, I could barely get my keys out and unlocked the door. Once we finally got inside I showed everyone where they could put their stuff. I suddenly felt really nervous, my three best friends are now in my house for the first time. I hope they feel comfortable.

"Okay, so I have a couple ideas of what we can do this weekend. "

"Like what?" Roman asked.

"Well I have some board games, we could have a movie marathon,maybe a couple of video games?"

"Those all sound like fun! What games do you have?"

"Well I have Uno, Cards Against Humanity, Monopoly, Phase 10, Rumie."

"You have a lot of games." Virgil commented

"Yeah mom tries to have a game night almost every wednesday."

"You play Cards Against Humanity with your parents?" Logan looked concerned.

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I?" I asked him

"Well most parents don't favor that game. Plus I wouldn't see you playing it as you are so innocent and pure."

I felt a blush creep on my face. "So what do you think we should do first?" I looked around at everyone.

"Why not Uno?" Roman had asked.

We spent an hour and a half playing Uno then switched to Cards Against Humanity. Eventually we were all hungry so we ordered some pizza. We made our way up to my room, each of us changing into our pajamas. Logan in clothes similar to his usual attire, dark blue sweatpants and a black t-shirt. Roman in a red t-shirt with a gold crown on it and red plaid pants. Virgil in a black t-shirt, his hoodie and purple pants. I myself was in a light blue t-shirt and grey pants. Thankfully my bed was a california king size so all of us could fit on it, that way no one has to sleep on the floor.

"Virgil do you ever get hot in that hoodie?" I asked him

"Meh, not really I'm used to it at this point." Virgil shrugged and pulled his sleeves down past his hands.

"You know Virgil one thing I've always liked about you, you're really modest." Logan commented

"Less modest more self-deprecating."

"What was that?" I asked

"I talk bad about myself"

"I WILL PHYSICALLY FIGHT YOU!" Logan put my hand back down on the bed. He left his hand on mine for a moment then pulled away. Out of the conner of my eye I could see a small glimpse of pink on his cheeks.

"You know what would be fun? Truth or dare!" Roman sounded excited

"Like when we were all kids?" Virgil asked

"I mean sure why not? Or we could play my personal favorite version, truth or drink!"

"What's the difference?" I asked

"Well you either tell the truth to a question of you take a shot." Roman explained

"Like of alcohol?" Logan asked


"Yeah except, we don't have any." Virgil commented
"Weeeeeell." I piped up "Mom actually has a whole cabinet full of booze downstairs."

"I don't want you to get in any kind of trouble Pat, your mom for some reason thinks I'm a good influence on you."

"I know Virge but really there's a lot. She wouldn't notice a bottle or two missing."

"The embodiment of sunshine and rainbows is okay with the idea of breaking the rules? Who are you and what have you done with Patton?"

"I mean why not, it's senior year and it's a long weekend."

Virgil sighed, not thrilled with the idea but eventually gave in. I ran downstairs and grabbed us each our own bottle. I didn't know what the other three liked but all mom really had was vodka. Maybe grabbing everyone their own bottle is a little much but, better to be prepared. I came back upstairs and handed everyone their bottles.

"Okay Roman since this is your idea, you go first."

"Okay, Logan, do you have a crush on anyone?"

Logan's face got red as he took a swig of his bottle. I saw Roman smirk. It was Logan's turn now.

"Virgil, how long does it usually take you to apply all your makeup?"

"Usually about 5-10 minutes. It's only foundation and eyeshadow. Patton, would you ever date any of us in this room?"

I took a swig of my own bottle, this game was kind of fun! After a while we were all pretty drunk and our bottles were almost empty. We had stopped actually playing the game and just talked, occasionally taking swigs of our drinks. I'm glad I keep aspirin in my bathroom because we will need it in the morning but for now as we all took the last drink in our bottles together, it was time to go to sleep.

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