Chapter Thirty-Five

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"My son, attend unto mywisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding: That thou mayest regarddiscretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge. For the lips of a strangewoman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil."Proverbs 5

The minute she walked in, I could feel the temperature in my body increase.

What the fuck?

She was tall, almost as tall as me, and I'm over six feet. I instinctively scanned her long, smooth legs, all the way up to her short plaid skirt. Her frame was wide but curvy, like an hourglass. Just like one of those vintage pinups from the 1940s, when young men would paint them on their war planes before going to battle, the archetypical reason to stay alive, to come home.

Her face was like Rachel's, a porcelain doll, but the features were more pronounced—lips ampler, blues eyes wider, cheeks suppler. Her long, platinum hair bounced off of her shoulders as she came toward me. I could tell it was naturally straight, but she had taken the time to work it into the something flirtier. She wore a low-cut, white V-neck blouse that struggled to keep her voluptuous breasts under control. A hot pink, lacey bra peeked out from the right side of the V, drawing my eyes to pronounced cleavage.

A predator, I thought. King of the goddamn fucking jungle.

I read a quote from Shakespeare once that mentioned a tiger's heart in the hide of a woman. This, indeed, was that woman. She looked me square in the eye, and in that moment, my studio ceased to be a studio. It was suddenly the plains of Africa, a hunter meeting a hunter, an alpha crossing another alpha. But this wasn't Africa; it was my guitar class. So, I figuratively slapped myself and reeled in my deviant demons.

"Hi, I'm Dan." I said, giving her my hand.

She put hers in mine, and with a confident grin said, "I'm Brittney."

Fuck, she smelled amazing. "What made you want to learn to play guitar?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I saw you up there playing in church, and I enjoyed watching you."

Her response wasn't what I expected, and I wasn't sure how to take it. "Have a seat." I pointed to a stool and I sat down on the other one, across from her.

"So, you go to Victory Church as well?" I asked.


Again, I was blindsided by her comment. I let out a mechanical laugh, "You don't like it?"

She looked me square in the eyes for the second time. "Do you?"

Fuck, I realized I was getting called out after five minutes with this girl. "Well, it's okay, I guess. To be totally honest, I do prefer smaller congregations." Of course, this was a lie, but I thought a half-truth would be better than the full truth.

I started the lesson then, but quickly noticed that each time I would show her a technique on my guitar, she was just simply looking at me. It was as if she had no interest in the guitar whatsoever.

"Am I going too fast?" I asked at one point.

She smiled, like she was privy to an inside joke. "No, Dan, you're doing great. I'm learning a lot."

She kept staring at me, not saying a word. I was getting so nervous, I was pretty sure it was beginning to show. I looked at my watch and thankfully it was time to wrap up the lesson.

"That's great, thank you so much for joining. Guitar is something you will always have."

She stood up, swung her hair back, and stretched her arms wide, tits pushing forward, "Ahh, that was fun."

She walked over to me and kissed my cheek. "Thanks, teacher, I appreciate it. I have lots to learn."

Her strong perfume lingered around me as I watched her pack up her guitar and leave, her large, tight ass disappearing through the doorway like a dirty apparition. I looked down and could see my cock trying to free itself from my clothing, confused as to why I was not fucking that perfect specimen.

I sat down, fumbled in my guitar bag, until I found my trusty bottle of vodka. I didn't even bother with the mix. This girl had rattled me.

That night, in bed with Rachel, I came into her, in the same dull position we fucked in since our marriage began, but deeper, harder. Rachel moaned audibly, but my mind was on Brittney, and I came faster than I had in years.

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