Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"And they came overunto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gadarenes. And when hewas come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man withan unclean spirit, Who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no man could bindhim, no, not with chains."Mark 5

The second time I fucked Brittney, I opened Pandora's Box. It was as if every shackled demon inside me was once again loosed. I found her in that graveyard, and we had sex on an old tombstone tucked away in some large trees. It had vivid imagery—the sacrilege and disrespect for others were to be the hallmark of our relationship. We hardly said a word to each other that day. I saw her and she grabbed my hand. We ran to the spot like children, and we fucked. We did it with almost all our clothes on, but it was still incredible. Her smell, her perfect body, her tight, warm pussy clutching my cock. I loved how she moaned, like a perverted little girl, always asking to be called a slut. She was as fucked up as me sexually, and it took my mind off of all my lies, at least when I was around her.


Six months into my affair with Brittney, I still didn't have the courage to tell Rachel about my son. I didn't even have the courage to call Tammy and tell her I hadn't told Rachel. Instead, I kept my self fucked up on alcohol, Xanax, and any other pill I could score—legally or illegally.

The hardest moments were at night, when Rachel would snuggle up beside me and try to initiate sex. I always pushed her away, claiming I was tired, sick, or sleeping. During the day, with enough drugs and alcohol, I could deaden my guilt. But, pushing Rachel aside was excruciating. It wasn't because I didn't want to fuck her—I couldn't fuck her, not while I was fucking Britt. Rachel was too pure. Her heart was too perfect. Every night, I vowed to break it off with Brittney, but during the day, my lust would overtake me. I was possessed by Britt's sexuality. She was everything my body craved.

One week, Rachel left for a few days to a seminar for the leaders of the church. I was going to use the opportunity to have a real talk with Britt and finally break off the affair. But what I did instead was sneak her into my house. I told her not to bring extra clothes, since we wouldn't be wearing much clothing, anyway.

She giggled when we walked through the doorway, slowly taking it all in, like a thief casing a potential opportunity for a heist.

"Britt, make yourself at home. I'm going to run to the store real quick and grab some drinks and snacks."

She put her arms around my neck and tilted her head back. "This is so fun, Danny! I knew you loved me! Only someone mad with love would bring his mistress into his own home."

I laughed. "Take it easy, Brittney."

She looked at me and pouted her lips. "You do love me. You must. I'm your Puppy." She slid her hand inside my jeans and grabbed my cock. "Say it."

True or not, I couldn't disappoint her. She was in a wild mood, and I wanted to experience it fully. "I love you, Puppy."

She smiled and gave me a deep kiss, her tongue pushed tightly against mine. She backed off and wiped her lips with her hand. "Okay, Danny, go get supplies. You're going to need your energy to keep up with me."

I slapped her butt and she made a little squeal. "If anyone call the house, don't answer, and if anyone rings the doorbell, for God's sake do not go to the door."

"We'll see."

Her reply wasn't reassuring, and I was aware that she was a bit nuts, so I thought it best just to hurry out, grab the booze, and get back home.

I watched her walk toward the kitchen before I left, still intently checking everything out. Her hips moved in such an ungodly way when she walked, I always stared. It was something so perfectly sexual that it never became old.

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