Chapter Forty

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"And it came to pass,after the year was expired, at the time when kings go forth to battle, thatDavid sent Joab, and his servants with him, and all Israel; and they destroyedthe children of Ammon, and besieged Rabbah. But David tarried still at Jerusalem.And it came to pass in an eveningtide, that David arose from off his bed, andwalked upon the roof of the king's house: and from the roof he saw a womanwashing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon. And David sentand enquired after the woman. And one said, Is not this Bathsheba, the daughterof Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?"2 Samuel 11

Brittney was lying on top of me in my master bathtub, her soft ass sticking to my thighs as the water slowly went down the drain. Our insane weekend was coming to an end, and neither of us wanted to think or talk about it. We'd fucked half a dozen times in two days, and my back and shoulders were raw from our deviant role-playing. She received a few good spanks, as well—that shit really turned her on. Her bum was red as an apple, and it made me smile.

As I lay there, eyes closed, the humid air started to dry us off, and I wondered why it seemed so impossible to find girl who could check off all the boxes. I knew Rach would never satisfy me sexually, and I would never love anyone as much as her. Tammy knew that from the beginning, yet I don't think anyone understood me more than Tammy. Maybe a close second would be Sammy, but only because of our shared backgrounds. Then there's this smoke show in the tub, who seemed to excite every sexual gene in my goddamn body. Maybe that's why people have affairs, maybe that's the appeal? I knew I had to embrace monogamy soon, for Rachel's sake, but I didn't want to think about it now. Not when I was having so much fun. Britt reminded me of that, how fucking fun sex could be.

"Can I tell you a secret, something I've told only one other person—not even Rachel?" I asked.

Brittney stirred a bit, clearly the comment waking her out of her half sleeping state. "Of course, Danny."

"I have a child."

She sat up and turned her body toward me. "What?"

"It's true, I have a child back in Canada. I just found out six months ago."

"Jesus, Dan, that's crazy." She laid back down on me and resumed her meditative disposition, closing her eyes and breathing gently.

Wow, I thought. Her age became very evident in that moment. Only a young person can hear news like that and simply move on. She seemed to have no interest in the implications it posed for my life or our relationship.

"Does that bother you at all?" I asked.

"No," she responded sleepily.


"Yes. You will be a good father. My dad's a faggot."

I laughed. "Jesus, Brittney, that's harsh, and not very politically correct."

"It's true. Me and my mom signed a confidentially agreement with him. We cannot reveal that he had a relationship with my mom, and that I'm his child."

"People can actually do that?" I asked.

"I guess so."


"What's in it for you and your mom?"

"He pays her an allowance for life. And I am the beneficiary to his will."

"Wow, that's strange."

She sighed. "He has millions, so my mom convinced me to sign it. The fucking faggot always gets his way."

"Geez, Britt. That's crazy."

"He's really a faggot, he fucks men, and no one knows."

"You mean he's gay?"

"No," she replied. "Well, yes, but I have gay friends. I like them. But a man who pretends his own daughter doesn't exist and fucks men while pretending he is straight—that's a faggot."

"Oh, gotcha."

She spun right around and looked me in the eye, a wild smile on her face. "Dan! You need money for your son, right?"

"I guess."

"I have a plan! Me and you can run off together, start our own life as millionaires. You can send your son money, and I will even raise him for you in a couple of years, if you want."

I raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

"I know you love me, Danny, and Rachel will never satisfy you. I can, and I do. You're mine, Danny. You know you're mine. You can't live without your Puppy."

I felt so confused, but my cock was already getting hard. Deep down, I knew she had a hold on me. After all, she had sexually bewitched me in only a few months. "I never said I didn't love you."

"I want you to kill him." I had never seen her eyes so bright. She looked like a stunning psychopath, a femme fatale in the flesh, naked in a tub.

"What?" I scoffed. "I'm not going to kill anyone."

She moved down and slowly started sucking on my cock. She did it so perfectly, my eyes involuntary shut and I began to moan. Then she stopped. "Danny, look at me." I reluctantly opened my eyes. "I know you can, you told me that story about kicking that old man's ass. I knew then that you were the one who could do this. It would fix all of our problems."

"Brittney, you're crazy, literally. In fact, I think I am going to start sleeping with my eyes open around you."

She giggled. "Puppy would never hurt you." She slid her breasts up my body and into my mouth. I kissed and licked her nipples to arousal.

"I gotta pee," she whispered.

I grinned. "Go ahead."

She pretended to be shocked. "Good heavens, young man, in here? On you?"

She began kissing my mouth, her soft tongue pushing deep inside. I felt her warm piss drench my hard cock.

"I think Puppy just marked her territory," she giggled.

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