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   Known Void Players: Roxy Lalonde, Equius Zahhak, Horuss Zahhak, Marsti Houtek, Folykl Darane, Tegiri Kalbur

   The Void-bound are those who prefer to explore the unknown above all else. They would rather doubt anything people claim to be concrete rather than blindly believing any information that comes their way. They would rather have absolutely no knowledge rather than gaining any sort of faulty information. Void players also tend to be rather secretive, or have a rather vague way of expressing themselves or their thoughts. They may leave their fellow teammates in a state of confusion, causing a disconnect in understanding. However, Voidbound players are also full of possibility, as their aspect allows them to see the emptiness of the void as a blank canvas, waiting for its potential to shine through.

   The aspect of Void is one of two aspects related to our relevance and the way we obtain information, the other being Light. One of the Void player's many potential abilities is to control the darkness that surrounds them, to stare into the void and manipulate it to their will. In some way, they are able to control the light that reflects on them, or rather lack thereof. Perhaps they can create illusions out of the shadows, or they could use the absence of light to turn themselves invisible. Roxy was able to turn invisible on a whim, and Equius would often hide in the dark, remaining unseen.

   Despite Void being a rather mysterious aspect, there is a large variety of potential abilities that they have. Their ability could deal with the secrets one keeps. Perhaps they could hold the knowledge to everyone's secret, or they could steal the secret information one has and use it for their own benefit. An example of this would be Equius being able to hide the cueball from Doc scratch. Void could also deal with one's own irrelevance, like how Equius was potentially the most irrelevant of all the beta trolls, potentially due to his classpect. Perhaps they can manipulate how irrelevant one person is over the other, or destroy their irrelevance and put them on center stage. One last ability they may have is the ability to create things that either dont or no longer exist, like how Roxy was able to summon generic objects, the Matriorb, and of course, pumpkins.

   Void is an aspect that leans towards the dreaming moon of Derse, and tends to be a more passive aspect.

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