Chapter Nine - No Comment

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"Then what are we going to do?!" Bronwyn exclaimed, "We've left school grounds to escort Blair home, they'll be wondering what the hell is going on! The best we can probably do right now is hope for the best that Liam hasn't made any moves and confront tomorrow!"

Scarlett rolled her eyes, they slowly drifted to my schedule which hung off my desk, she picked it up and began to read it, "What are you doing?" I questioned with furrowed eyebrows. "Thank God, luck is on our side today." she muttered.

"What why?" I asked, extending my hand out to attempt and grab my schedule, but Scarlett refused to give it to me shoving it into my face with it still in her grip, "Free period, we'll go then, because then nobody would care nor realise." Scarlett pointed out, she then tossed the paper to me which I easily caught, "Glad I'm here with some common sense or else you two would be drop dead on the floor by now."

"That's...not entirely true." Bronwyn stuttered on her words as she watched as Scarlett began to walk out of my room, "Jeez Bronwyn, you may be smart but when it comes to the obvious you're blind sighted." Scarlett bluntly said causing Bronwyn to eye roll, "Does she have an off button?" Bronwyn questioned obviously irritated, I decided not to answer.

Scarlett then averted her rather smug gaze from Bronwyn to me, "Now go clean yourself up, we're on a ticking time bomb here young lady!" Scarlett spike, clapping her hands together three times as she watched me climb off my bed, Mavis woke up in groggy confusion, eyes half-lidded as she stretched her limp body.

"First off, I'm older than you."

I grabbed fresh clothes before heading off into the bathroom abandoning Scarlett and Bronwyn to continue arguing and bickering in my bedroom.

I cautiously climbed into the shower, my shaking pale hand grasped the handle turning it in a forwards motion and hot water shot out of the shower tap, as the heat of the water hit my body my shoulders dropped, letting my hair fall in front of my face gradually getting soaked. I watched as blood stained water travelled down into the shower drain, I sighed softly, why did I even do it?

After a while I slipped out of the shower, the cold air hitting my body making me shiver slightly as I engulfed my body in a beige towel, I dried off in the bathroom before slipping into fresh clothes. A navy blue pencil skirt with a purple buttoned shirt with the collar button undone, black thin tights and a navy blue blazer to match up to my skirt.

I closed the bathroom door behind me, for some reason feeling cautious and rather skeptical something didn't feel right but neither did this entire situation. A blurring line between reality and fiction.

I walked over to my bedroom door hearing the sounds of over-the-top arguing and bickering. I rolled my eyes, "Oh boy..."

As I slowly opened the door with my shaking palm, the bickering suddenly stopped and Bronwyn and Scarlett looked up to me, seeming surprised to see me back, like they had, bottom line, forgotten about me.

"What?" I asked, arching an eyebrow in confusion as the shocked facial expressions never left their faces.


We set off running to school, as we entered the reception desk was empty, Scarlett turned to face me, her long red locks whipped back, hitting herself slightly on the cheek, "The reception ladies are on break, it's probably lunch." Scarlett told me, I nodded in reply. 

"Where were you?!" I heard Shannon's voice scream out, she came running towards the three of us, I noticed Levi, Bailey and River running behind her. Shannon stood in front of me, her tall body towered over with me, she seemed distressed, "I saw one!" she exclaimed, "I-It's a g-girl named Molly, s-she's following me around, she seems p-pretty mad at you!" 

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