Chapter Twelve - Locked

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Me and the new student Chi stepped out of his office, I began to show them around the school, as I wandered off zoning out to my own speeches, my mind kept flooding back to the freezer. It was my ecstasy, an addition. I was drawn, I have to go there later on. "Hey, you okay?" Chi's voice snapped me out of reality. I shook my head, zoning out into reality, witnessing them standing in front of my with a concerned look on their face. "M-Me? O-Oh, y-yeah, I'm fine!" I answered back, stuttering on my words. 

"You're wondering what's in the freezer, right?" they asked, arching an eyebrow, my eyes widened, "H-Huh?" was all I managed to squeak out. "I mean, I thought the same, but then I noticed he's the only one with a freezer in his office, and trust me I've been in nearly every office this school has to offer, all have cream coloured walls and beige carpeting, rather luxurious considering this is a public school." they spoke. 

Her eyes lit up, "Oh goodie!" they cheered, "I picked the right student!" Chi exclaimed, I arched an eyebrow, "W-What? What are you talking about?" I asked. Chi simply smirked, pointing a finger towards me accusingly, 

"You're Aries!" 

I nervously chuckled, "What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to play it cool as my hidden panic began to shiver and burst inside of me. "Blair, don't make this any difficult, you're a terrible liar." they spoke with a monotone expression. 

I finally exhaled, I grabbed their arm lightly ushering them to one side, "What do you know?" I questioned. They gave me a look as they scrambled through their backpack handing me a neatly folded note, I took it out of her hand reading it, as I read it they explained everything, "I was ordered to kill the zodiacs." they began, "When the teacher asked me who I wanted to show me around the school, your name popped up, and out of everyone in the entire school, combined letters from your first and surname and you spell Aries, isn't that funny?" they asked with a slight chuckle. 

I rolled my eyes defeatedly, "Just. My. Luck." I muttered to myself, ripping up the piece of paper, shoving it tightly into my blazer pocket as I did so, I heard a gun click causing my head to snap around to see Chi point a gun at me, I held my hand up in defence, "C-Chi..." I began, "Put the gun down, we can talk about this, you just need to put the gun down." I tried to talk sense into them, trying my best not to stutter and stumble on my words, I knew if I did, it would show weakness, and they wouldn't hesitate and pull the trigger. 

"Why shouldn't I pull this trigger, I'm basically a contract killer, I'll eliminate all thirteen of you if I have to, I won't hesitate." they spoke, shrugging their shoulders in a smug way. My eyes flickered to the gun that was held in their right hand, I bit my lip harshly. 

 Taking my chance, I grabbed Chi's right wrist, using my right hand to grab the gun, I held Chi down to my ability, Chi let out a laugh, kicking her legs up and down, "I like you Blair." they said with a sly smirk, "Maybe this group isn't as hopeless as I thought you was." 

I let go off Chi, shoving the gun into my bag, watching Chi as they slowly arose from off the floor, "I have a deal." they began, dusting down on their casual clothing, "I won't kill you or any of the others, but you have to let me in on saving the world." they explained, my eyes widened, "I know you can't bring up the guts to tell them just yet but it's best to keep it that way, we don't want them going irrational now, do we?" 

I just shook my head, surprised at how much Chi was being co-ordinate with the situation, they flashed me a smile, "Now, you should get back to class, I think we're done here." they said, I nodded my head, "Y-Yeah, I'll see you around Chi." I spoke, waving goodbye politely as I walked away. "Oh, you will." was all I remember them saying as I headed up the stairs to the third floor where my class was. 

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