Chapter Eleven - Another New Student

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Scarlett pushed me aside to my confusion as she crouched down towards Liam, "W-What...just...happened?" Vivien asked, seeming exhausted and out-of-breath yet still traumatised and terrified. "We almost killed someone." Cody answered her question. 

"No, I nearly killed someone." Scarlett corrected, rolling her eyes as she began to lift him up by his arms, "At least give me credit." "I feel sick..." Bronwyn admitted, her face growing pale through anxiety. "Aren't we all?" Shannon retorted back. 

I turned my head to face Scarlett, "What are you going to do with him?" I questioned, "And how are you going to get him out of here?" She grunted as she finally lifted Liam's unconscious body up from off the floor, "This." she replied, kicking the door to the nearest boy's bathroom stall and slinging him in there without hesitation.

I watched in surprise as Scarlett slung his unresponsive body in the stall, luckily he didn't hit his head yet again on anything, but his unconscious body laid on the cold floor, his arm extended out past the door frame. Scarlett frowned in irritation, kicking his arm in so his arm bent at the embow, his wrist and hand in the direction to his head. She closed the stall, holding onto the metal lock outside and used the card in her lanyard to lock the door from the outside. She turned to the rest of us who watched her in shock, "What? I'm not carrying him around all day!" she exclaimed, "I'll get him after school as finished."

"What are you going to do with him?" Eleanor questioned with an arched eyebrow, "Where are you even going to take him?" Scarlett smirked, "My parents got this huge storage room at this place, I'll take him there and I'm going to get answers." she replied, "If I can Mind Control, I can easily get it out of him!" 

"So you're basically going to torture him?" Eleanor asked, she nodded her head innocently, "Yup!" I bit my lip harshly acknowledging the awkward silence with the heavy atmosphere, "Okay..." I began, but I was cut off my the bell, I flashed an awkward thumbs up. 

"That's for the next class." River spoke up, he looked at the shaking Rhianna, "Are you going to be okay?" he asked. Rhianna nodded, "Yeah, besides, I've got Blair in my next class anyways." she replied, showing me a smile. I gave a soft smile back. Rhianna was in most of my classes, we occasionally paired up but it was rare to even talk to each other, and unfortunately we had Cody in our class as well. 

"Hey, you've got me too!" Cody exclaimed as the group began to fade away, "Yeah but we don't like you!" I retorted back with a smirk, trying to shrug off what just happened as me and Rhianna began to walk to class together, "Oh come on, what did I ever do to you?!" Cody called out, to which me and Rhianna just exchanged a look before giggling. 

"Hey Blair," a voice came from behind me, me and Rhianna both turned around before walking down the back stairs to see it was Levi, I gave him a look of confusion, "I'll meet you outside the gates tonight." he told me with a small smile, I gave a small nod and smile in reply to which Rhianna yanked me away, "Are you and Levi?" she questioned, edging me to finish the statement, my eyes widened, "Oh god no!" I replied shaking my head frantically, "Are you sure?" she asked, arching an eyebrow. I nodded my head, "Very sure!" I answered. 

She chuckled in reply, "I see, in denial." she muttered, I just shook my head, "It's a very certain no!" I exclaimed, waving my arms in front of her face, overexaggerating. She laughed, "I'm teasing!" she replied. I sighed in relief, "Okay, that's good." I said, "Unless..." she began, trailing off. "Finish that sentence and I travel back in time to kill you myself." I threatened in a joking way. She only laughed as we opened the door to class. 

We took our seats at the opposing ends of the classroom, exchanging smug looks at each other, I pursed my lips to try not to laugh, knowing exactly what she was talking about as I doodled in my notes, suddenly the door swung open to reveal a distressed Cody, "Cody!" the teacher hissed causing Cody to jolt up in shock, "You're late!" he hissed. 

"I-I know, and I-I'm sorry..." he stuttered, his eyes trailed away from the teacher's stern face trying to think of an excuse, the teacher sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Whatever, just...just take your seat." the teacher ordered as Cody walked to his seat, which was two seats away from me, I chuckled to myself. 

The teacher walked over to his desk, to check his emails, I watched his face intently as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Blair?" he called out, lifting his head up from the computer, looking around the class, "Yeah?" I asked as his head snapped to me, "You need to go to the reception right away." he spoke as I grabbed my bag, me and Cody flashed each other looks of confusion as I wrapped one strap from my bag around my right shoulder, getting up out of my seat. 

I walked out of the classroom awkwardly, Rhianna mouthed 'What is this about?' To which I replied with a shrug, mouthing back 'I don't know.' before exiting the classroom, closing the door behind me. 

I walked down to the reception desk with my head down, avoided all the confused looks teachers glared at me with, I kept my head down, before I walked to the desk, pushing my palms against the cold desk, "Hi, I was sent down here." I spoke trying to sound sweet and innocent. 

The receptionist flashed me a miserable look, "I'm going to guess you're Blair?" her croaky deep voice questioned, I could've sworn her voice cracked but she tried to cover it up. I nodded my head, "Uh, y-yeah." I replied. She sighed, "Very well then." she said, getting up out of her seat, she walked past me, using her key card in her lanyard to open the door to a conference room where teachers would have their meetings, "Thank you." I replied, giving a small nod as I cautiously stepped through. 

She sighed, rolling her eyes, "I don't get paid enough for this." 

I scrunched my face up in offence, I tried to be nice to the miserable receptionist, I shrugged it off, tugging at the sleeves of my blazer before opening the door, "Hello?" I asked, interrupting a conversation. 

A sports teacher turned around, more frank the sports teacher who was there at detention, "Ah. Blair," he began. "Hi?" I asked, closing the door behind me, "You requested to see me?" my eyes drifted off to the freezer in the break room, for some reason I was drawn to it, something was up, it was a gut feeling. "Yes I did." he spoke, catching my attention again, "Blair, I'd like you to meet Chi." he spoke, gesturing to a short student beside him. 

They had short light brown hair with fair skin and optimistic large blue eyes, they flashed me a smile, "It's nice to meet you Blair, I've heard so much about you!" they spoke, approaching me, extending there arm out for a hand shake. I slid my hand into theirs, shaking their hand, I dragged my hand away first as the sports teacher spoke up again, "Chi here," he gestured to the student, my eyes drifted off to them, I felt more cut off since Liam and Molly were new students and well...we all know how that turned out. 

"Is a new student." the sports teacher spoke, snapping my attention back towards him, "And I want you to show them around school, make them feel welcome for their first official day tomorrow." he spoke with a thumbs up to which Chi smiled at me, I gave a forced smile back, my eyes flickered to the freezer in the break room once more, before looking back at Chi. 

Another New Student. 

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