Chapter Thirty-One - Oh My God

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"Blair..." Mason's voice snapping me out of my thoughts, I looked up to him to notify I was listening, "I'm sorry." he spoke in a saddened tone, my eyes widened as he slammed his fist into my gut with his sheer strength, the blow sent me back into the wall, tumbling through the boxes, I rolled onto the floor, luckily I was still conscious but fragile, as I used my arms to push my weight onto the ground, looking at Mason's saddened gaze, he's actually taking this seriously?!

Rihanna's laugh cut through my thoughts, "That's it!" she spoke excitedly, slamming her hands hard onto the wooden arms of the chair, "Kill each other!"

I stood up weakly, clutching my arm harshly, "M-Mason! Please stop!" I yelled, trying to get through to him, "This is just what she wants! We can work through this together!" I tried to call out to him, striving further to hear any reply from him, but he never replied. 

He charged at me again, kicking me in the legs, I screamed out in agony as I tumbled to the floor again, I refuse to fight against him, he's like a brother to me, sure we bicker a lot but that's not an excuse to resort to such violence. 

"Huh, what's this? Refusing to fight? How lame." Rihanna spoke with an unimpressed look as her bewitching eyes glanced at my weak state, "This is going to get boring really quick I suppose." 

Mason overheard this as I heard a growl gargle from his throat, my attention was snapped back to him after hearing the sound of him clicking his fingers together, my eyes widened as the orange glow surrounded Mason, he was changing into his form. 

It enhanced his wicked abilities, I wasn't going to survive much longer, his glowing orange eyes glared into my auburn ones, he was in the Taurus form right in front of me, shirtless, in the enriched black shorts and boots with belts that wrapped around his shoulder blades and had the bull-like horns, my eyes widened as he once again brought his fist into my gut once again, my back hit the wall more fiercely this time, I whimpered in agony. 

My eyes drifted to Rihanna who seemed to be enjoying but also disliking the scene that was unravelling, "Took him long enough to get into his form." she spoke with a pout, my eyes began to turn half-lidded, I could feel myself becoming dizzy and lightweight as I felt Mason's arm wrap around my leg as I laid unresponsive on the floor, my whole body felt weak, numb, my resist to not fight back was torn away. 

His grip tightened on my foot as he lifted me up so I was hanging upside down, he swung me around before throwing me to the opposite end, my back then being the first to collide with the wall, dust encircled me, as things began to grow blurry. I coughed up blood, or at least, what I thought was blood.

Suddenly, there was hope the three of us could come out of the alive. I stared down at the ink I had choked up from my mouth substituting the blood that was what I initially thought I had gargled from my mouth, I had forgotten all about it if I'm being honest.

With the energy I had left, I began to trace my fingers through the ink onto the concrete flooring, it wasn't the neatest but who could care at this point, I looked at what I had written as my arms grew weak and aching, I dropped to the floor, watching my last conscious view be covered with the view of a Taurus. 

Leo, help me. 

The words written in ink became smudged as the Taurus' foot stomped into it, but it was too late for it to be erased, I had changed time already. The door was broken into, as a person revealed themselves, catching everyone's attention, I weakly lifted my head up to see Levi's body standing where the duplicate used to be, he was in his Leo form. 

"Levi..." I spoke in relief upon seeing him, Rihanna growled defensively, standing up from her chair, knocking it down as she stood up, her eyes glared to the ink smudge smeared into the pavement, "Damn you, Aries." she cursed. 

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