Chapter Seventeen - Sagittarius&Scorpio

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"I'd like the ninth zodiac sign, Sagittarius to step forward please." Aries announced, everyone looked around is if they was looking for the tall male with glasses, casually, he stepped forward. "Ah, so it is you, eh, Bailey?" he asked, Bailey shrugged, "I guess." he replied. 

"Well, congratulations for you, now, please step forward into the circle I created here." Aries spoke, gesturing to the area in the middle, apart of me wondered whether Aries was being sarcastic or not, but I shrugged it off and paid attention to Bailey's power. 

"Ah, Sagittarius, the Centaur zodiac," Aries began, "It comes in at the age of 15 million years old and has the ability to manipulate the weather depending on their mood, like for example, when it's torrential downpour, all you guys have to know is that this young fellow is upset." he explained as he marched his way around the circle, "However, when the weather is sunny, like it was today for example, this shows that he is rather happy today."

"Sagittarius have a mixture of emotions, but could even be classed as bipolar is people call it nowadays, that's why Sagittarius is a negative sign rather than a positive," Aries explained, "Although controlling the weather is something he can do without activating his power, when in his Sagittarius form he can absorb any weather and use it as a weapon, such as thunder and lightning being the most common one, he could even use rain if he so dedicated, he can even combined both rain and the sun, he's basically a mixture of Scorpio and Aquarius, to put it plainly." he explained as glances were sent from Bailey to Eleanor and Bronwyn. 

"Anyways, when the Earth is lined up with it's ruling planet Jupiter, Sagittarius is at their strongest, which was exactly one month ago today, which is completely useless information to you." Aries explained, he clapped his hands together, which broke the atmosphere of anticipation, "So, Sagittarius, please tell me you know how to click your fingers together?" he asked as his steel grey eyes averted to Jake, who looked away in embarrassment, "I'm never going to live it down." he muttered under his breath, causing Cody to give him a supportive pat on the back, "Don't worry buddy, we've all got a downfall." he reassured. 

"Yeah, but it's not something as simple as clicking, is it?" Jake snapped back with a sharp psychotic glare causing Cody to retract his hand, "Chill out!" he exclaimed, "I was just trying to be nice to you!" This earned a small giggle from Eleanor which was pretty rare. 

Bailey said nothing about the minor set-back of the situation, he waited till the bickering had died down before he clicked his fingers and his body glowed teal. 

His eyes shone brighter than any of the others beforehand, like raging thunder within his soul, his suit came more like armour as it towered over his body like sheer metal and statics of thunder burned in between his fingertips, and like usual, he had the Sagittarius sign tattooed onto his cheek, "You see," Aries began, "Sagittarius has metal on their body to stop the harm from the weather hitting their body, it's adapted through many centuries and was finally strong enough 200 centuries ago to withstand all of the elements of weather combined into one." he explained, the idea of combining them caused his bright blue eyes to light up. 

"I'm not going to teach that today, sorry to disappoint you Sagittarius." Aries spoke with a fake, yet tormenting pout. Bailey frowned disapprovingly, "Why not?" he questioned. "For the sheer reason that you're not ready yet." Aries answered, "You've only just started your journey as Sagittarius, you're simply not capable of such great power." 

"Aren't you a straight-to-the-point kind of guy?" Bailey questioned with a devilish smirk, "Only if you want to think of me as." Aries spoke with a twitch-like shrug, "I'm only just trying to help." "Help by bringing down confidence?" Bailey questioned. This caused the smug look on Aries' face to drop, "I'm not bringing down confidence, put opening a door to a new level, you'd understand if you weren't so selfish and oh so very closed-minded about yourself, a pretty negative trait of a Sagittarius." Aires spoke causing Bailey to frown. 

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