Chapter Ten - Do You Believe Me Now?

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"This better be true, Blair." Mason scowled as we ran frantically from bathroom stalls to bathroom stalls, getting nothing but confused expressions as they left. "Trust me, Mason, it's got to be." I replied. 

Vivien's eyes narrowed, "You know, I still can't believe you killed someone!" she exclaimed, causing Bronwyn, Shannon and Scarlett to shut her up, pushing their lips together to make the 'shush' sound. II rolled my eyes, "And I could kill you if I wanted to, Vivien." I called back causing Vivien to yelp in fear, I chuckled quietly to myself. 

"How do you know if they're in a bathroom stall anyways?" Eleanor piped up causing Jake to nod his head in agreement, "Yeah, I mean, they could be anywhere!" Jake added. "No, not anywhere, they wouldn't want to do it in plain sight, dipshits." Scarlett snapped. 

"She's probably right." Shannon agreed with a shrug, "If you planned to kill someone you'd want to lure them away from the rest of the pack, it's animal instincts." "And the best place to do that would be in one of the bathroom stalls." Levi finished off, causing me to flash him a small smile in response. 

"I mean, there's loads of bathroom stalls!" Bailey exclaimed, "Who knows where they would be!" "Then we've just got to keep looking till we hit the jackpot." River retorted back to Bailey's excuse, causing Bailey to roll his eyes. 

We came across another bathroom stall on the second floor, we peered through the windowed door to see Rhianna and Liam talking, Rhianna was sitting on the sink, giggling away as Liam had just finished shaking his hands dry.

Being rather overdramatic, Cody decided to be extra and kick the door down, the violent kick caused the door to swing open, hitting the side of the wall and catching Liam's and Rhianna's attention, but before we could rush in to Rhianna's aid, the door had slammed back closed again, Cody groaned in defeat, "God dammit." he cursed under his breath. 

I let out a heavy sigh, opening the door back up with the palm of my hand, "Sorry about that!" Shannon called through, carefully tip-toeing through, "Cody decided to be extra!" "I wasn't being extra!" Cody yelled back. "Oh, definitely not." Jake muttered, rolling his eyes causing Cody to growl. 

"Get away from my sister, asshole!" River yelled, running towards Liam, which Liam managed to avoid, grabbing Rhianna as he swiftly stepped to aside, she rolled in her grasp as one arm wrapped around her abdomen tightly and his other hand drew a knife, holding it out to her neck, she grabbed hold of the arm with the knife, trying to writhe from his grasp. 

"Jeez River, always the one to overreact, huh." Liam spoke with a sly grin, "Get off me!" Rhianna screamed, begging for her own life. Liam dismissed her distress, "Step back with the others." he ordered River, but River didn't move, his fists clenched tight and eyes narrowed in anger, Liam held the knife closer to Rhianna's neck hinting that if he didn't, she'd be dead in a matter off seconds. 

"R-River..." Shannon stuttered, taking a few steps forward and grabbing his arm to drag him back, "River please, or she will die!" Shannon told him once again, raising her voice louder. River looked down at Shannon before turning back to see Rhianna's terrified face and Liam's smug look, he sighed in defeat, walking back with Shannon to the rest. I could sense the relief wash over me knowing River stepped down, but I knew it wasn't over yet. 

Liam's eyes flickered to us once more, scanning each one of us with his beady eyes, I shivered at his repulsed look as he suddenly burst into laughter, "What's so funny?!" Vivien spat, venom rolled off her tongue like a snake bite. 

He waved the knife around near Rhianna's face but kept a close hold with her so she couldn't make a run for it, "Wow, the previous Zodiac's must've really been on a budget, huh?" he asked rhetorical, "Look at you all, a group of teenagers with nothing alike, you won't even get a job done, heck, even by now you still haven't acknowledged your full potential." he explained. 

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