Chapter 23

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David, Venus and Stephanie came running into the dressing room when they heard Luna scream. Then they saw what she had screamed at, one of the witches who had been competing was dead, seemingly from stabbing. Luna cried, "I was right! There are people trying to kill us witches! They took a bit of a break but they're back now and we have to be careful.". Venus shook her head and sighed, "Here we go again! Luna, Luna, how many times do we have to tell you that just because a few people die and they have a few things in common doesn't mean it's an attack on our community! Now let's tell Violet, she'll sort this out and we'll go home.". Stephanie was able to reach Violet quickly and Venus, Luna and David went back to Sweetnum Valley.

The murder at the beauty pageant had set Luna back into her previously anxious ways. She went back to keeping a baseball bat in her room and knife under her pillow. She also now carried pepper spray in her backpack and her purse. David noticed this reversion as they were walking to the movie theatre together. He said softly, "Luna, honey, don't be so scared. I understand why you're concerned but what's the point of being worried for your life if you're not even living it. Let's just enjoy ourselves! You got your pepper spray so whatever happens you're prepared, you can take it easy now.". Luna found David's words and eyes so comforting she couldn't help but feel at ease. They walked into the movie theatre and Luna managed to forget about her fears for at least a couple of hours.

Venus remained perfectly calm. As a matter of fact, she was rather content. When she was walking home from a fun night with Asali and Liam she had a happy air within her. She thought, "I'm so glad that I have good friends. Most of my life it's just been me and my sisters which is great but I needed friends. People just didn't understand me. But now I've found people that do and it's freaking amazing!". She had a spring in her step and felt like her life really was coming together, she was getting the education she wanted and meeting people she liked along the way. The sun had gone down and night had fallen, the moon was shining particularly bright. Suddenly she felt something hit the back of her head and she fell to the ground, unconscious. 

Luna woke up, it was a lazy Sunday morning and she had slept in. Morticia was the one that had woken her up by her loud scratching at the door. Luna shouted from the top of the stairs, "I'm sorry I overslept! I'll admit I got home late from the movies with David.". She received no response so she yelled again as she walked downstairs: "Wow, the silent treatment! Listen, I'll make it up to you. I don't know how but I will.". When she walked into the kitchen she didn't see her older sister, she looked around the whole house and still couldn't find her. Luna thought as she made herself breakfast, "I guess she stayed the night in Asali's dorm.".

But Venus was far from Asali's dorm. She was tied up to a chair with her mouth gagged in a dark basement. She thought, "Oh god, where the hell am I? What's happening?". There were a group of people in another corner whispering to each other. One of them came up to Venus and ungagged her. Venus immediately exclaimed, "What the hell is going on? Why did you bring me here?". The person explained: "Well, I guess if we're going to kill you anyways it doesn't matter what we tell you. We are witch hunters. After the events that took place in Sweetnum Valley at the local high school's prom we decided that witches are endangering the human race. We have banded together to kill every single witch in America.". Venus replied, "Wait, so are you the ones that killed Isabelle, Sybil, the girl at the beauty pageant and the one who had just given birth to twins?''. The man nodded his head and Venus replied: "Why did you kill that guy at my birthday party then? Also why haven't you killed me yet?". The man responded, "We were aiming for you and misfired at the party. We were going to kill you quickly but then we realized you're Luna's sister so we want you to suffer first." then he gagged Venus again. Venus thought, "Oh, how I wish I could tell Luna she was right!".

Luna was in her room working on her homework, it was now late in the afternoon. She thought, "Gee, I wonder where Venus is? It's been quite some time now and she's still not back home.". She decided to call Asali and said: "Is my sister with you? I haven't seen her since yesterday.". Asali replied, "No, the last time I saw her was when we parted ways last night.". Luna and Asali both grew concerned when they realized that no one has seen Venus recently. Luna exclaimed, "Well, what do we do?". Asali suggested: "How about we call the police?". Luna retorted, "No, they won't do anything! Nobody cares about us w-" then realized Asali didn't know Venus's secret and continued: "Nobody cares about us women.". The two of them decided to go out searching for Venus themselves.

Venus watched anxiously as the witch hunters sharpened their weapons. Her death was coming, she knew there was no stopping it this time. They had knives, axes, a crossbow and a gun. She thought of all the things she loved in her life: her sisters, her friends, her aunt and the Zamolodchikovas. The witch hunters were taking their time sharpening their knives, it was almost as though they knew that the worst thing for their victims was the anticipation. On the walls were pictures of all of the witches in the WSA and a big cross was drawn on the ones that they killed. One of the witch hunters laughed, "I tell you, I know it's bad but I'm beginning to take pleasure in each of these killings!". Then another one of them replied: "I don't like to think of it as murder but moreso a favour to our future generations.". Venus's heart was racing, with each tick of the clock she knew her death drew closer.

Luna and Asali met up at the Grbac house. Asali had printed out "lost person" signs and the two of them were ready to look for their darling, Venus. Asali asked, "Where do you think she could've gone missing?". Luna replied, "I don't know. Honestly we should probably search the whole town, Harvard campus and everything surrounding both.". Luna wished she could go on her broomstick and fly around to be efficient. Luna knew it was probably the same people that killed all those other witches. But Asali couldn't know any of this.

The time had finally come for Venus's death. The witch hunters had all gathered around her with their weapons. Venus had no idea of how to stop them. This was it, this was really it. The end. One of the witch hunters exclaimed, "Okay, on the count of three we'll each begin stabbing her with knives then Chris will stab her one final time with an axe just to make sure she's really dead. One.. Two... Three...Go!"

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