Episode 7: Amibot

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A microbot snuck into the arena right as the Speedrun Record was commencing. 

Announcer: Oh my god, that frame-perfect precision! All she has to do now is execute the Coconut Burst Jump, and the World Record is hers. To those new here, the Coconut Burst Jump is a newly discovered glitch that cuts this level in half! And we're about to witness it in all its glory! 

The small bot hid behind a soda bottle and zoomed in at Belle as she was about to preform the jump. 

In present time, Tari and Theo were at the ramen shop with Lamar. The girl with the blonde hair was examining Theo while Lamar was explaining things to Tari.

Lamar: Then we saw everything that happened, and now we're here.

Tari: Right... I see... 

???: Oh my goodness! Haha! This is so cool...

Theo: Haha, that tickles!

Tari: Wait... Why were you guys spying on me? 

Lamar: We weren't spyin' on you. We were spyin' on Lux! 

The girl was bonking Theo's head much to his dismay.

Theo: Hey, stop! My head's not a watermelon!

???: Sorry! 

Lamar: The original plan was to just get intel on Lux and TasCorp. But that all changed when you showed up. 

Tari: ...Me?

???: You went into the video game! That's unheard of! I need to know how you did it. Let me inspect you a little bit...

Tari stepped back a bit as the girl was getting closer with a wicked witch laugh.

Lamar: Sofia! You idiot. Don't you recall what JUST happened at the arena?

Sofia: Sorry! I'll be good.

Tari: Who... are you guys exactly?

Sofia: Oh! Sorry. My name's Sofia. And you've already met tall, dark, and weeb over here. Also T-AI and Amiliana, who was the girl from earlier. We call ourselves MD-5 and our mission is to... Take down that evil conglomerate.... TasCorp! Also with some Dark Code Viruses.

Lamar: It sounds cheesy as hell when you put it that way. But, yeah, that's essentially what we're trying to do.

T-AI: Like you Tari, they are also candidates of the Guardian Program.

Tari: What... what did they do to you guys?

Lamar: Uh... Um...

Sofia: We... we each have our own reasons. 

Lamar: Let's just say they've destroyed many lives... Including ours. We were selected and since then have been fighting viruses and trying to put a stop to them.

Sofia: But. With you three here on our side... I think we have a shot at taking them down!

Tari: Take them down? I don't want anything to do with them!

Theo: Tari! We need to help these guys. They rescued us! 

Tari: That's true, but Theo, I'm trying to keep us out of danger, not get us into more. 

Sofia: Well, I just thought since you had nowhere to go, and neither of us are exactly friends of TasCorp, you would want to team up... 

Lamar: Tari, I know you're scared. I was too when MD-5 found me. But I swear on all the 2D Twin-tail tsundere girls out there, that if you stick with us we'll keep you two safe. 

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