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me: hey! what are
you up to?

luna fish!: currently at
Target drowning in
school supplies

luna fish!: the new
semester starts soon
and i'm going to make
sure i'm prepared!

me: when do you start?

luna fish!: second
week of September

me: ... luna

me: that's not for another

luna fish!: yes I am
aware BUT

luna fish!: i'm kinda
freaking out a little and
want to get things done
ahead of time

me: i'm sure you'll
be just fineee

luna fish!: normally I'd
say that too but i've heard
that one of my marketing
professors is a literal asshole

me: oh no :(

luna fish!: yeah... and on
top of that i'm trying to
secure a marketing internship
with this record label too so
I want my focus to be on that
instead of some idiot who
can't treat students with respect

me: which record label? i
may be able to pull some
strings and get you to
speak with someone!

luna fish!: no, i couldn't
ask you to do that

luna fish!: besides, I want
to network myself on my
own! put everything i've
learned to good use, you know?

me: yeah, of course

me: but if you change
your mind, I got you :)

luna fish!: thanks :)

luna fish!: i should get
going, if I stay any longer
i'm scared riley's gonna
put 5 bags of reese's in my cart

me: hey, would that
really be so bad?

luna fish!: okay, no
not really

luna fish!: but i could
do without the cavities 😂

me: fair enough hahaha

me: alright I'll leave you to it

me: talk to you laterrr :)

luna fish!: byeee :)


A/N: i know this chapter is short and I'll post another one as soon as I post this but the information in this chapter has information you'll need to know for the future :)

hello, goodbye • jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now