Interview Left

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Then finally the 2 let go. 'You really love each other' Roger smiles. 'Of course we do!' Freddie chuckles.

They all go in Brian's car and they drive over to the studio. Freddie almost forgot he was still a bit injured. But it's healing now. They arrive at the studio.

Freddie goes out of the car first. And it seems that.. a lot of fans are outside they're studio not knowing they weren't there in the studio. Yet.

"what the fucks going on here?" Roger whispers to himself. "There they are!" Someone shouts. All of them head to them. Then someone accidentally bumps Freddie. Freddie falls to the ground. "Who did that??!?!" Brian shouts as John kneels down to Freddie.

No one answered. "Seriously!! Who fucking did that?!?!?!?!" Roger shouts even louder. Everything became silent. John helps Freddie up. "Can't you see that Freddie is injured?!?!??" Roger shouts. "Now who fucking did that?!?!?!" Roger shouts louder.

"Say it up!!!!!" Now John shouts. Everyone points at a person. It's Vincent... "Vincent?" Freddie asks. "You know this man?" Brian asks. "He does" John says. "Punish or Spare?" Roger asks. Freddie hugs Vincent as he pats his back. "It's ok now they're just mad because I'm injured" Freddie whispers in Vincent's ear.

Vincent nods. "I'll take that as a Spare" Brian says. Everyone cheers. They both let go and Freddie limps to the studio as he holds John's hand. They get in the studio as Freddie sits on the couch.

"Now who wants to play Scrabble?" Freddie shouts "all of us honestly" Brian says as they all nod. "Let's go then" Freddie does a one clap. They all sit down on the couch. "And and I put this tile here... aaaand not so much of a score but Clogs" Freddie says. "Alright Brian" John says. "Oo! Oo! I've got one! E,O,M,E,T,R,Y! That spells Geometry" Brian says. Freddie rolls his eyes. "A, W, N, I,N, G, that spells yawning with your Y" Freddie smirks.

"I need some rest.. can i take a nap first?" Freddie yawns. "Whenever" Brian smiles. "John, accompany Fred" Roger smiles. John nods. The two lovebirds go upstairs and into Freddie's room. John helps Freddie get on the bed and John also lays down himself. "John" Freddie bops John's nose. "Yes?" John says. "I love you" Freddie smiles. "I love you too" John smiles back as he rests his head on Freddie's chest.

"Remember that first time you kissed me an you said sorry?" Freddie giggles. "I did kind of like the looks of your lips" John pauses. "Was i good?" John asks. Freddie chuckles, "Oh Of Course! That's why I wanted you to kiss me again". John exhales as he moves up to face Freddie.

John faces the other way. "I know you want me" Freddie smirks. Freddie was teasing John by breathing heavily on his back as his hot breath tingles on John's neck. John turns back to Freddie. Freddie grabs John's face as John start kissing him.

They both pull back slowly and go back to hugging. Then realize that Brian is just watching them. "Awww" Brian smiles. They both stop hugging. "No no no" Brian says softly gesturing for them to keep on going. But they didnt. "don't you want to announce your relationship?" Brian asks softly.

"Were not ready yet..." John says. "What do you mean not ready yet? You just kissed?" Brian chuckles a bit. "Only the four of us know.. you can't live your relationship a lie" Brian says.


"We can't live our life a lie!!" Freddie shouts.


John exhales, "Alright! We're going to announce it!". Freddie's eyes widen at John. John taps Freddie's shoulder. "Hey, you said it" John says softly. Freddie exhales. "Freddie?" Brian asks. "Fine, but to the press???" Freddie pinches the bridge to his nose.

"That's why I'm here, we have an interview to the press" Brian sighs. "Fuck" Freddie stands up. The four get dressed as they go in Brian's car. They arrive to the press. They all sit down from Left to Right:
Roger, Freddie, John, Brian

"Any questions for Freddie?" Brian says. The crowd goes crazy. "Freddie I heard your together with someone, the big question is, not so big, who is that special person" A guy asks. Roger bumps Freddie so that he would tell the press. "John" Freddie looks at the ground. "Uh.. John who?" The guy asks. "Deacon" Freddie looks back up.

Everyone gasps. Freddie and John look down with they're hands sweaty not just because of holding hands but also because of the press' tragic questions.

It was silent until Roger said something, "were not ashamed ok?!? If that's they're life that's they're life! I wonder if you all are also gay" Roger stands up. "Calm down" Brian whispers. "People these days" Roger hisses at himself sitting down.

"I have a question" some guy says. "What?" Brian asks. "Freddie, if it weren't John, who would it be?" The guy asks. John was hurt and so was Freddie. "Is this a joke?!?!?" Roger stands up again. Freddie sniffs, stands up and tries to leave but the press see that they're holding hands as they walk out.

Brian and Roger stand up after them as they also leave. When they get out of the room, "Freddie pulls can't just leave!" Brian scratches his head. "Why?!? They can't just bully our relationship like that!! After all I wanted it to keep it private first!" Freddie pinches the bridge of his nose.

"I know it's hard but----" Brian calms down but he gets cut off. "Let's go home" Freddie hisses. "Yeah but--" Roger joins in but gets cut off by Freddie dragging his shirt up, as Rogers feet get up high, "Don't join or this will get bigger and bigger!" Freddie drops Roger. Roger whimpers.

John runs to Freddie. "Freddie" John taps his shoulder. Freddie ignores him. "Freddie!" John says a bit louder. "What do you want?!?!" Freddie shouts. John backs up and whimpers. Freddie covers his face and slaps himself a million times.


I slap myself. Why did I just blush?!?! I know I AM gay but still! I can't do that to John. And I can't fall in love with a band member! What's wrong with me?!?! "Excuse me" I say quickly before I run to the bathroom. And I slap myself again. "Why!!?!?"


John exhales. "I'm sorry..." Freddie sighs. Freddie gets up and pushes John to the wall as he starts kissing him.
It's like his aggressive button was switched to his horny mode. He let's go. "I'm so sorry, I love you" Freddie's tender voice whispers into John's ear.

"I love you too" John smiles.

Hey Guys!!!!! I CANT BELIEVE I DIDNT UPDATE YOU GUYS.... I don't want you to hear my shitty excuses but I'm so happy I could update you guys today... Anyways school year is going well as president. My story feels like nonsense now but please forgive me for the bad ideas for writing.... bleh... ANYWAYS, I hope you liked it aaaaaand that's all I have to say other than this picture:

 ANYWAYS, I hope you liked it aaaaaand that's all I have to say other than this picture:

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