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I get teary. I just didn't want to leave. But you gotta do what you gotta do. Just go with the flow. Can I just run inside and say a last goodbye? Probably not... I drive home. I run to the phone as fast as I can. But right before I dial his number, I realize:
I'm too desperate for him. I need to just relax...
I sleep in peace. And suddenly dream of Freddie. Where Freddie was in his house in a huge fire. 'Freddie No!' I shout and I wake up. To see Freddie right in front of me. Freddie smiles.
And only a small towel was covering my private. I forgot to put on the covers. I blush. To see Freddie with a coat on. And only boxers inside. 'I forgot something in your bedroom' He points at it. 'Oh uh.. go.' I points at it
He gets it. God I love it when he's sweaty. He looks so hot. I want to lick that sweat of him. 'Your staring' He points at himself. 'You want some?' He strokes his body. 'Tomorrow' He smiles. 'Ok' I blush. He gets the thing he forgot. He was about to walk out of the room, but right before he walked out, he kissed me on the lips. 'Goodnight darling' He walks out.

Freddie's POV

I walk into my car and I drive home. I want to visit Brian. So I take a turn to Brian's house. I open the door, in a surprise. I can hear shouts upstairs.
'Brian! Do it harder!' I can hear Roger panting. Is it just something else? Or I have a dirty mind. I hear the panting getting louder. So I walk upstairs and see what there doing. I go upstairs and I see Brian tying to step on a cockroach,
While Roger is staying up high on his chair. 'Uhhh...' I point at the two. 'Did that just sound dirty' Roger says awkwardly. 'Yeah...' I finally kill the cockroaches. 'How the fuck did you do that' Brian smiles in appreciation. 'C'mon Roger, it was just a roach!' I roll my eyes. 'But I...' he looks at the ground. 'I'm the mother' Brian says. 'I'm daddy' I point at myself. 'Oh yeah and why did you go here?' Brian raises his eyebrow. 'I wanted to say that your badger has escaped' I point at the cage where the badger is supposed to be. 'And one pair of your clogs are gone' I point at the place where the clogs are supposed to be. 'No!!' Brian runs outside. 'So.. just you and me huh?' Roger licks his lip. 'I need to go' I walk out as fast as I can.

a few weeks later....

We're going on tour. I just got a new cat
I need a cat babysitter. Delilah is fine by herself. She trained. I can't hire a boy again. I guess I have to hire a woman. I go to my telephone and dial numbers that Brian told me. And I found one. 'Hello?' a woman's voice echoes from the phone. 'Hello I would like----' I get cut off, 'Oh My God!!! FREDDIE MERCURY!!!' The girl screams in excitement. 'Calm Down. I just want to know if you own a cat' I say softly. 'Yes. You signed his collar' The girl says in excitement. 'I want to hire you. I will need to train you first. Baby sit my new cat. We are going in tour' I say. 'Ok. Um address.' I hear her get a small piece of paper. 'Ok uhh *******, *****' I says. 'M'hmm' She says. 'Be here in 5 minutes' I look at my watch. 'Ok' She quickly hangs up the phone. And in 2 minutes, she arrived. 'Oh my god! I'm in the house of Freddie!' She hugged me. 'Ok ok' I softly push here away. 'We are going on tour, tomorrow' I pat her shoulder. She nods. I go up my room to take a 5 minute nap. Then I woke up. And when I went downstairs, my house was a mess. 'Christie!' I shout. 'Yes? Oh....' she frowns and looks at the ground. 'Your fired' I point at her. 'No! Please. I will do anything to make my job come back!' She holds my wrist. 'Like what' I cross my arms. 'I'll take care of you' He leans in closer to me. 'Woah Woah Woah.' I try to push her away. Then she kneels. 'No No we can't do this. I have a tour I need to pack. Christie!' I try to push her, but as i look down, she had already unzipped my pants. 'Christie!' I push her head away as he puts down my boxers. I cover my private. 'I can't show it to you! Especially fans like you!' I cover it. 'Wow... I never knew Freddie Mercury had one cock this big' He stroked it, which made me moan. 'A-hah---hhh' I moan as my voice shivers.
I close my eyes imagining its John. But then I realize that she started sucking it. 'John!' I moan. Oh fuck... I hope she did not hear that. She's still sucking. Thank lord she didn't hear that. Then he tied my arms in a rope behind my back. He made me fully naked and she put my cock in her pussy... 'Ah!' She moans. 'Oh Freddie!' She slaps my stomach. I'm trying to stop, but she wouldn't budge. 'Christie! Stop!' I shout. She just kept going like she didn't hear me. I was just closing my eyes moaning and imagining that it was John. 'Your cock is so big' She strokes my torso. I blush. Wait No! John walks in. 'Hey Fred--- AHH FUCK' He shouts.
Christie stops. 'OMG JOHN DEAKY!' She handshakes him. John closes his eyes in embarrassment. He looks at me. 'I will explain later, sorry' I mouth it. 'ok ok' he mouths it. He squints his eyes and smiles again. 'Please leave' I say. She leaves. Wow. So obedient now huh? John goes to my room and slams the door. He sits in front of the door. And I sit on the other side. I realized that he has locked the door. I can hear him crying.

John's POV

I'm so sad... I'm crying. 'Love of My Life' Freddie starts singing as his voice shivers and he cries. 'I hurt you.. I stolen your heart, and now desert you...' He continues the song and his voice shivers even more. And he cried.
'Love of My Life, can't you see? I'll bring it back. I'll bring it back. I won't take it away from you. Because you don't know... what it means to me...' His voice shivers even more as he ends it and he starts crying. 'Just find a girl... I know your straight... please.. I'm not the person for you' he cries even more. I unlock the door and I open it. 'I still love you' Freddie continues the song. 'Look... first I hired her to keep look of my cat for the tour. She did a bad job. I told her to go but she wanted to bang. I said no but she just did it.' He looks at the ground. 'You don't need me... you can just go find someone special for----' He gets cut off by my kiss. His eyes widen and he kisses back. His soft lips and his sweaty body. With only his boxers on. His muscles holding me. His sweet grip. Then we let go. 'I thought you would never trust me' He hugs me and cries the tears of joy.

Hey Guys. Another nice way to end the story right? Anyways. I stayed up late for this chapter. It's literally 12 midnight. And I still have school. But I put good effort into this so I hope it was worth it.

Was it worth it?

Thanks. Anyways Goodmorning Good afternoon or Good Evening wherever you are. Anyways. Bye!

Cute Lil Deaky just being himself part 2

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Cute Lil Deaky just being himself part 2

Meant To Be | Deacury {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now