Chapter Fourteen

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May 21st the day every parent dreads, the last day of school.
I'm excited but also already stressed out with Delilah always working and me starting work in the fall. This is going to be one busy household all summer.
Today is also the day we are telling the kids that Delilah is expecting a new baby. Violet and Grayson were excited about Asher so I think they'll be happy.
We wanted to wait until we had finally absorbed the information, last week we decided to wait until today. We decided to do a cute reveal, we not only wanted to sit them down and tell them but we wanted them to  enjoy the information.

Delilah puts a box on the table and pulls out a shirt, it reads, Big Sister (Again) and then two black shirts that say Big Brother (Again) And Big Brother (Finally!) and finally for our newest addition, a white onesie that just reads The Littlest Urie. She also got her and I shirts that say mother and father of 4.
We figured we give them the shirts and let them figure it out themselves.
Violet and Grayson will be out of school in about an hour.

"I can't believe we're doing this again." Delilah laughs looking at the shirts. "I mean, I was sure Asher was going to be it...I'm so excited." She looks up at me.

"I hope it's a girl. I need another daddy's little girl." I beam.

"Me too honestly. I don't think I could handle another boy." She chuckles, placing a hand on her flat stomach. "I'll be big again soon."

"I can't wait." I place my hand on top of hers and kiss her belly. "Remember when you were pregnant with Grayson and you could balance food on it?" I laugh.

"Well he was an 8 pound baby, he made me blow up like a balloon."

"Yeah. And violet called you captain big belly!" I recall.

"How could I forget? It made me cry." She ruffles my hair as I sit up and readjust my glasses. "I mean, thank god Asher was smaller. I don't think I could handle being captain big belly again...let's hope this ones small too."

An hour and a half later and we have all 3 kids sitting in front of us along with the dogs.

"We got you guys something." Delilah smiles, pulling the bag on her lap. Instantly they all sit up and I chuckle.

"It's not toys so don't get too excited but it is something big." I explain. "Don't look at them until we say okay?"
Delilah places the shirts on their laps with the writing facing away from them. They look kind of disappointed at the shirts but nonetheless I pull my phone out to record their reaction.

"Okay Violet, can you turn yours over first?" Delilah asks and Violet does, reading the words out loud. "Okay Grayson, now yours." Delilah asks.

"Big Brother...Again." He reads and that's when my anxiety kicks in for Asher.

"Okay...Ash. Your turn." Delilah says with a breath and looks at me nervously.

"BBB...big." Asher tries to read. "Big." He says again. "Bo...ver."

"Brother." Violet corrects him.

"Let him." Delilah asks.

"Fi-finally." Delilah helps him sound out the words. We let them sit there trying to figure out what it means and then of course, Violet gets it first.

"Moms gunna have a baby?" Violet grins from ear to ear and stands up.

"Yep." Delilah answers and Grayson pouts. He did the same thing with Asher but I think he'll grow to like the new baby.

"You're gunna be a big brother Ash." I explain to him. "Like how Grayson is to's a big responsibility."

"When is the baby coming?" Violet asks.

"End of December...if we're lucky, maybe it'll be a Christmas baby." Delilah teases.

"Yay! What is it?" Violet asks.

"We don't know yet. What are you hoping for?" Delilah asks.

"A girl." She beams.

"Us too." I tell her. I look over Grayson who is still kind of pouting and address him.

"Gray? What's wrong bud?" I ask.

"I don't wanna be a big brother again!" He cries. "I already am. That means I'll be a big brother for 2 and that's a lot." He slouches on the couch. "It's okay buddy. Violet's done it for the past 3 years. I think you can handle it." I ruffle his hair.

"But it's too much!"

"Hey really isn't. Just let the baby play with your toys and you'll be okay." Violet chimes in and I smile at the words of encouragement.

"I don't wanna share my toys. Not with anyone!"

"Grayson Boyd! We did not raise you like that." Delilah raises her voice which makes Grayson cry.

"But their mine! He can have his own toys!" He screams and then runs upstairs to his room.

"I'll go talk to him." I sigh and pick up his shirt. I go upstairs and open the door to see him crying on his bed.

"Grayson, come on. It's not that serious." I explain.

"But I don't want him to have my toys! Their mine."

"And you don't have to give the baby your toys, just share if he asks. Plus it might be a girl and that means she might not like your toys." I explain. I don't like promoting gender stereotypes to my kids and I've tried hard not to so far but I'll say anything to calm him down.

"Yeah but what is she does? Will I not have toys then?" He turns to face me, wiping his eyes and I sit down on the end of his bed.

"No of course not buddy. By the time the baby is born you'll be bored of these toys and you'll have new ones. And the baby won't even want your toys...did Asher want them when he was first born?" I remind him.

"No...but he wants them now!"

"And doesn't he let you play with his toys. I recall him getting a really cool dinosaur a while back and I've seen you with it more times then I've seen him with it."

"Yeah...cause he let me play with it."

"Exactly. Because you should share, Asher does. It would make you a good big brother." I explain the best I can and I can see his attitude change.

"Okay!" He smiles and I feel good now that I've talked down this tantrum.

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