Part 3

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The next day, Andi wasn't at school. Nobody seemed to notice, except for Ashton. He knew she was missing the second he walked into his first hour. There was just something missing. He walked around school all day looking for her, but gave up, knowing she just wasn't there. Even walking home, he couldn't help but think about her. She caught his eye, for some reason, she was the picture running through his head.

While he walked by a gray and blue house, a familiar pink streak of hair caught his eye. He looked up from the ground to see her, sitting on what appeared to be her porch. She was wearing a dark gray sweater, black skinny jeans and vans, even though it was nearly 80 degrees outside, and he could see tears falling from her eyes. She looked up for just a moment and saw him watching her. They both sat there for a moment before she stood up and began to turn around.

"Wait, Andi! Don't go!" He yelled, running down her driveway before she could go anywhere.

She wiped her eyes with her shirtsleeves before turning to face him. "Ashton? What are you doing here? If this is another stupid prank you and the rest of the school is trying to pull, just leave okay? I don't want to deal with this anymore. I can't."

With that she walked away, and Ash reached out for her, grabbing her forearm trying to pull her back. She immediately ripped her arm away, gripping her sides, tears running once again. "What was that for?! God are you guys so fucking sick that you have to physically hurt me, too?! You already sent me the box of razor blades! Now do you want proof that I used them? Well here! Take it! Might as well scream it to the world! I don't care anymore! Just go away! Tell all of your friends that they won, okay?" She tugged her sleeves back over her arms and walked away, leaving Ashton standing in her driveway speechless, tears forming over his own eyes.

Andi walked back into her house, slamming the door behind her. She shrunk down the wall until she was hugging her knees to her chest, crying. If there hadn't been enough going on, her step-mom walked in the hall, disturbed by all of the noise. "And just who do you think you are?! Walking in here, slamming doors?! You know better! And wipe those tears. You're already pathetic, stop making it worse. I knew I should've shipped you off when I had the chance. I mean come on, Andi! First you try to kill yourself, and I had to save your life, and now you're crying about it? Get over yourself."

Her mom always talked to her that way. Part of her really did think that she was a waste of space. Andi retreated to her room, plugged in her headphones, and sat. She didn't move, didn't eat, didn't do anything, because she didn't want to run the risk of messing up. She put on her pajamas, and finally went to sleep at 3 am when her iPod died.

At the same time, Ashton was in his bed, 2 doors down, thinking about everything that had happened, wondering how people could be so cruel as to do these awful things to Andi, the image of her scarred and battered arms never once leaving his mind.

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